Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4330

After being emptied, he threw the noose in his hand directly, drew a firework signal from behind his waist with his backhand, and lifted it toward the sky.

Behind Xiao Chen's expression instantly changed. Among the snow-capped mountains, the most taboo thing was that the voice was too loud.

In some cases, a few pieces of snow may drop even with a cough.

Before, he even called Xiao Moli and An Ziqi desperately pressed his throat for fear that it would cause a large avalanche.

Although the firework signal does not cause any danger to people, the frequency of the sound emitted is extremely high. Such a sound is more likely to cause avalanches.

He didn't have time to stop it, and "tweeted" a few bright fireworks rose in midair accompanied by the sharp sound of fireworks.

As the sound of fireworks lifted into the sky, the surrounding snow-capped mountains suddenly made a few muffled noises.

Then, in the next second, the snow-capped mountains under their feet shook violently, and there was a "boom" without giving anyone a chance to react.

Large chunks of snow fell directly down the cliff.

The surface of the snow-capped mountains is covered with large snow all year round. Because of the cold climate, the snow becomes hard, like a road.

On the edge of the cliff, at least about three to four meters thick is formed by snow.

An Ziqi was hanging on the edge of the cliff with Xiao Qianai in her arms. At this moment, the snow beneath her collapsed directly.

Together with the other snow blocks, it fell towards the bottom of the cliff.

In this ten-thousandth of a second, An Ziqi didn't have time to think much.

Subconsciously hugged Xiao Qianai tightly and held her in his arms.

He smiled slightly at Xiao Moli on the cliff, opened his mouth, and said a few words silently.

"Live well."

Then her body was directly covered by the snow falling from above, and completely disappeared under the white, falling snow.

Xiao Moli's body just threw out, before he could reach An Ziqi, he was pushed in another direction by the violent vibration on the ground.

The outstretched hand did not have a chance to reach An Ziqi, and she watched as she was brought to the abyss by the collapsed snow.


Xiao Mo yelled with tears in his eyes, but what he caught in his hands was only the icy snow in the air.

The scope of the snow collapsing was getting wider and wider, and it was about to reach the place where Xiao Moli's body was.

Not only did Xiao Moli not dodge backwards, but instead climbed up from the ground with difficulty and rushed towards the bottom of the cliff.

There was cold snow everywhere, and it was so cold underneath that he couldn't let An Ziqi stay underneath alone.

Behind, Xiao Chen had already handled everything, and was rushing towards them to help them.

The change has already happened before it has time to get to it.

Seeing Xiao Moli rushing down the cliff like crazy, rushing forward, he pulled Xiao Moli over there.


Xiao Moli yelled, fisted his backhand and waved towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen raised his hand to block it, and said quickly, "Don't go crazy, there is snow underneath. Our people are already waiting under the mountain. As long as they are rescued in time, they won't have anything to do."

Xiao Moli was full of images of the moment An Ziqi and Xiao Ai fell into the cliff.

The snow-capped mountains "rumbled" underneath it was another strong vibration.

On the top of the mountain farther away from them, more and more snow collapsed, whizzing towards the two of them.