Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4466

Then it slowly spread towards the feet of the people next to it, flowing over.

All this seems to be a long time, but in fact, from the time the woman suddenly went crazy and bit the deputy captain’s ear, and then when the deputy captain was panicked, he took out the gun and completely killed the woman. The combined time was only short A few tens of seconds.

The officers at the door did not react at all.

There is no time to step forward and stop, all these things have already happened.

He was shot more than a dozen shots in a row, and it was still at such close range.

This woman, even Xiaoqiang, would definitely be beaten to death.

Moreover, looking at the terrifying amount of bleeding on the floor, it is absolutely impossible to be rescued.

The captain was still madly clasping the pistol in his hand, and the empty sound of "kakaka" was clear at this moment in the silent dressing room.

A team member who was close to the woman tremblingly reached out to her nose and peeked.

Then he turned his head trembling and said to everyone, "Dead."

Therefore, this case, from a murder case, to a wounding case later, and now, in full view, it really became a murder case.

However, the protagonist of this murder is no longer An Ziqi.

It was the deputy captain who killed someone with a gun.

An Ziqi subconsciously pulled Xiao Moli back when he saw the blood continuously spreading towards her feet.

Having been with Xiao Moli for many years, although she had seen dead people many times, she even went to destroy the Ye He family.

But most of the writing was forced to helplessly. Seeing the **** scene in front of her, she still couldn't really care about it.

Xiao Moli could naturally guess her inner thoughts. Without her opening, he raised his hand and picked up the person from the ground.

He carried the person straight to a clean place outside the door.

An Ziqi squeezed his shoulders a little embarrassedly and motioned for him to put her down.

Xiao Moli tightened his arms and insisted on holding people tighter.

Turning to face the police officers, "You have all seen that it was your deputy captain who killed.

The evidence is here. If you want to catch the murderer, just go and catch him.

Now, can I take my wife away? "

In fact, he really wants to leave, absolutely no one can stop here.

This is just to slap the police officers who said that An Ziqi killed people before.

Moreover, clearly tell everyone present that everything here has nothing to do with them.

No matter who it is, don't hit his wife's attention again.

The police officers looked at each other for a moment when they heard Xiao Moli's words.

The captain was beaten by Li Shao and fainted, while the deputy captain was madly bitten off by the mad woman's ears, and he shot in panic in full view and turned into a murderer.

They didn't know what to do for a while.

A group of people hesitated for a long while, and when Xiao Moli was about to take people away, finally there was a slightly bolder one who stammered.

He stepped forward and said to Xiao Moli, "Li... Shao Li, although you and Mrs. Xiao have nothing to do with the murder in front of you.

But... But, we all saw with our own eyes that you wounded our captain and haven't woken up yet. can't leave now. "

The presidential election is now at hand. Although the overall situation has been determined, as long as Minister Chen runs for the election, he is definitely more than 99% likely.

(The good news is coming. "Chapter upload is slower. Let me say hello to the little cuties. I will upload the next chapter, okay~)