Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4506

"Don't think too much about it, there is still a place, we didn't find it."

Xiao Moli always had an icy voice on weekdays, and now there was more soft warmth.

"Where?" An Ziqi immediately turned her head and looked at him nervously and anxiously.

Xiao Moli glanced at her, held her hands in his palms and rubbed her back and forth to warm her, "The third floor and the fourth floor."

Ye Minzhi and Tang Qi’s villa actually has four floors in total.

The third floor is a guest room, and the fourth floor is just a small attic for sundries.

Ye Minzhi is bored at home on weekdays, cooking, washing, and sweeping basically everything he can do by himself.

There is no permanent servant at home.

Therefore, only two of them are at home in the villa.

On the second floor, An Ziqi and An Siqing occasionally come back to live.

But the rooms above the third floor have almost never been inhabited, and they rarely go up.

Although he didn't think Tang Qi and Ye Minzhi, An Siqing would have to go to the third and fourth floors in the middle of the night.

But it is not ruled out that there are special circumstances that cause them to go up.

An Ziqi heard him say this, and turned around busy to run upstairs again.

Xiao Moli grasped her hand hard, and directly pulled her back in front of him.

Warm her cold little hands, let go of her hands, and hold her cheeks in both hands.

Dark and deep eyes looked at her and said, "Don't think about it, no ordinary person in this world can disappear out of thin air.

No matter where they go, I will definitely help you find them. "

Holding the fingertips of her small face, he rubbed her face a few times, "Trust me, huh?"

An Ziqi looked at his calm eyes, and a flustered heart finally calmed down.

Xiao Moli to her, like that Dinghai Shenzhen.

No matter how strong her strength becomes, she will still rely on him subconsciously.

No matter how bad the situation becomes, as long as he is by her side, she can be fearless of anything.

Nodding, "Yeah."

Xiao Moli smiled and lowered his head, and kissed her on the tip of her ear.

Then he let go of her and pulled her upstairs together.

Ye Minzhi and Tang Qi have also moved to this villa for several years.

Although An Ziqi didn't come back to live for a long time each time, she had come back many times over the years.

It's just that she lives on the second floor and has never set foot above the third floor.

Standing under the stairs leading from the second floor to the third floor, thinking of what Xiao Moli had just said, he couldn't help but tighten his hand tightly.

From the palm of his hand, he gently rubbed the strength of his fingertips, and An Ziqi responded to him in the same way, calming down, and raising his hand to press the switch on the wall next to the stairs.

"Patter" followed her force.

The light above the passage of the stairway lights up instantly, illuminating all the originally dark passages.

The place from the future looks clean and spotless.

Judging from the stairs below, it is impossible to see whether anyone has walked by.

An Ziqi took a slight breath in secret, holding Xiao Moli's hand, and walking with him towards the top of the stairs.

I don't know if it is the reason for her psychological effects. At the moment, she only feels deadly silence in the originally quiet home.

The sound of the two people's footsteps is particularly loud in the empty home.

As the footsteps continued upward, a breath of dust came from the air.

At the last step, the two stood still on the aisle on the third floor.

There was a dim passage in front of him.