Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4529

Xiao Chen stepped forward and poked the little girl's cheek with dissatisfaction.

"The spirit fruit is very domineering, especially the low-level spirit fruit with its own attributes like the fire spirit fruit and the water spirit fruit.

Usually need to be refined by a high-level monk before a low-level monk can take it.

The reason why Mommy can directly take Fire Lingguo and Water Lingguo is because of her special physique.

Otherwise, I dared not use it for her last night. "

Xiao Qianai glanced at him, "Also, you are wrong. I brought ten pills last night, and they have all been taken by Mommy."

Xiao Chen staggered at his feet and almost fell down, and couldn't help but raise his hand and squeeze the little guy's face.

"Ten? Why are you so prodigal?

What about diligence and frugality? "

An Ziqi was dumbfounded, ten?

No wonder she not only recovered from internal injuries and external injuries, but also felt that her spiritual power had increased a lot.

However, thinking that the entire Ye He family only had ten fruits in total, this little girl used ten for her at once.

This is indeed a bit too prodigal!

Xiao Qianai pushed away Xiao Chen's hand, and said disapprovingly, "No, five tablets will be taken orally for Mommy, and the remaining five will be used as bath water for Mommy. The total amount is just right."

Xiao Chen was in tears, no wonder this little guy came back and after seeing An Ziqi's situation, he directly asked Xiao Moli to carry An Ziqi to the bathroom, saying that she could save An Ziqi.

It turned out to be the Lingguo soaked in bath water for her to use.

An Ziqi even more fiercely twitched the corners of her lips, and everyone else took Lingguo as a treasure and wanted to give it up.

Even Ye Heruoqiu finally got one with great difficulty, otherwise he would not hate her because she accidentally ate her fruit.

This little guy directly took Lingguo to soak her in bath water, but it was still five!

If Ye Heruoqiu knew about it, he would definitely vomit blood.

Xiao Chen was already unable to complain about her wasteful behavior, "Even if you used ten for your mom last night, what about the remaining four?

There should always be something extra, right? "

Xiao Qianai nodded, "I took the remaining four to find someone to do research. Dr. Wu said that their laboratory has found a breakthrough to grow water spirit fruit.

If there is no problem with the experiment, large-scale planting can be achieved. "

While talking, Xiao Qian'ai bit the lollipop in his mouth "quack quack quack".

Biting the candy in his mouth, he said vaguely, "But Dr. Wu said, everything will be confirmed after the experiment.

Moreover, whether the fruit that is planted has the same spiritual attributes as the previous ones, and it has to go through a series of experiments. "

Xiao Qianai said very lightly, and did not feel that what he said was shocking to the world, and it was enough to shake the whole world of cultivation.

"So, what you mean is that you find someone to use four fruits to study and plant a fruit tree, maybe after tens or hundreds of years, this so-called water spirit fruit will have a bumper harvest?

How much do you want? "Xiao Chen stared at her.

If the records he had seen in the classics were correct, all the spirit fruits grew very slowly.

It will take at least tens of hundreds of years.


Xiao Qianai frowned in embarrassment, just when Xiao Chen thought she would say that the output was scarce and there were only one or two fruits.

"Dr. Wu said that the genetic chain of these fruits is defective and the growth process is extremely slow."