Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4547

Before An Ziqi reached out to help him, the Xiu Siyu on the side rushed forward quickly and held him in a hand.

Anxiously said, "Brother Qingfeng, how are you? Are you okay?"

Mu Qingfeng shook his head, "I'm fine, I'll give him a calming down quickly, otherwise it will be more troublesome to wait for him to wake up later."

Xiu Siyu glanced at the middle-aged man who had fainted on the ground, gritted his teeth and let go of Mu Qingfeng, and hurriedly reached out and took out a pill from the kit on his waist.

Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand to squeeze the middle-aged man's mouth and stuffed the pill into his mouth.

Then he got up, took out a flute from his back with his backhand, and blew it into the distance.

Behind the shade of the tree, a few people immediately came out and ran towards this side quickly.

Obviously, he had been hiding there before, and now he came and brought people back.

Over there, Xiusiyu was helping the villagers move, and by the way gave them some precautions.

Mu Qingfeng walked to An Ziqi and frowned slightly, "Why haven't you left?"

An Ziqi squeezed her hand on her side tightly, raised her eyes and said, "Is the leakage of these stale air related to the last time I broke into the cave?"

Otherwise, it was impossible for Xiusiyu to say that to her before.

Mu Qingfeng said, "You think too much, even if Nuwa Empress's means are through the sky, the seal is always effective.

Millions of years have passed, but it is inevitable that the stale air will leak out.

It has nothing to do with you.

Whether you believe it or not, you are an immortal body, a person who specializes in restraining those unpleasant qi in the legend.

That's why your mental power is special, and you can easily destroy them when you encounter those foul airs.

Your existence is one kind to them, therefore, those stalemates will feel crazy when they see you.

This is not where you should stay, you should leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if those leaked stale air meet you, they will surely draw all the stale air over and tear you to pieces. "

This is also the reason why he would rush An Ziqi to leave before.

Nowadays, the turbid qi leaks more and more serious, and An Ziqi is too shallow in front of those ancient turbid qi, whether it is spiritual power or spiritual power.

If she stayed here for a second, it would be dangerous for another second.

An Ziqi gritted her teeth, hesitated for a moment, and still said, "I can help you absorb and transform those leaking odors..."

Mu Qingfeng shook his head, "The reason why you were able to absorb and transform so easily last time was because it was just the stale air in the marginal area, which had faded a lot.

The deep staleness of the cave is so strong that even you can't bear it. "

"Then what do you do?" An Ziqi looked up at him.

Mu Qingfeng chuckled slightly, her pale face seemed to have a trace of blood.

"I'm the thousand-year old demon who has guarded this place for thousands of years, and I'm already very comfortable with how to deal with these foul airs.

But it was because I went to the cave to reinforce the seal, so I got hurt.

Now that the seal has been strengthened, the stale air remaining outside is only a small part of it.

You don't need to worry, as soon as I get better, all the stale air remaining outside will be wiped out. "

An Ziqi hesitated, "But..."

"No, but you are more dangerous here.

Moreover, perhaps your presence will trigger those squalid riots in the Houshan cave, and once again impact the seal.

I have no life to strengthen the seal again. "Mu Qingfeng said jokingly.