Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4585: Xiao Chen's Secret

Everyone thinks that he was born into a wealthy family, he must have been well-dressed since he was young, and he has never suffered any pain.

In fact, this is not the case. In the past thirty years, he has suffered more than any ordinary person.

He has suffered numerous injuries from gunshots and stab wounds since he started training at the age of five.

He even injected various diseases and poisons into his body again and again for the purpose of anti-disease and poison training.

The pain that every cell seemed to be swallowed, every minute and every second in the body was fighting for survival, and he had to bear it more than once.

However, the pain that ordinary people can't bear at all seems to be nothing under the more intense pain at this moment.

The time seemed to become extraordinarily long under the pain.

Xiao Moli's eyes were red, thinking of An Ziqi who was sleeping in the bedroom upstairs at the moment, thinking of her quiet sleeping face, calm and soft eyebrows.

Those pains also seemed not so unbearable.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Moli's endurance had almost reached its limit.

Some warm things slowly overflowed from his nose, eyes, and ears.

He wanted to raise his hand to wipe it. He tried twice, but he didn't even have the strength to lift it up.

Slightly lowered his eyes, before his eyes blurred by sweat, he could see the scarlet liquid continuously falling from his face, and it had gradually gathered into a small pool on the floor.

There were waves of dizziness in his mind, Xiao Moli shook his head vigorously, no, he must stay awake, not just give up like that.

Otherwise, when An Ziqi wakes up, it will be so sad and painful to see him become like this in the study.

Gritting his teeth to hold back the surging pain, just when his eyes turned black and his whole body was about to explode.

There was a sudden bang somewhere in the body, as if something had been knocked away and pushed down.

And the pressure in the body that was about to explode before was suddenly reduced at this moment.

A wave of coolness rushed forward crazily along the places that were knocked off and pushed down. With the influx of those coolness, the more surging pain in that meridian gradually eased.

Xiao Moli slumped weakly on the chair.

However, before he could slow down his qi, the spiritual qi in other parts of the body also began to attack other meridians more violently.

As the meridians were opened up everywhere, the blood in Xiao Moli's nose and ears kept falling down, and even the pores of his body were overflowing with traces of blood.

The sky outside was faintly bright, and Xiao Moli only felt that his whole body seemed to be collapsed.

Turning his head and looking out of the window, he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, then he stood up from the ground.

After staggering a few steps in place, he finally stood firm. After the dizziness in his mind gradually improved, he shook the door and walked towards the bathroom.

When An Ziqi woke up in the morning, she felt that she was nestled in a warm and familiar embrace before she even opened her eyes.

The corners of his lips curled, opened his eyes, raised his small face and kissed the corners of Xiao Moli's lips.

People who are always energetic on weekdays and wake up earlier than her, at this moment, under her movement, did not wake up.

An Ziqi couldn't help being a little surprised, and once again stretched out her hand and poked his cheek gently.

The man still didn't have any intention to wake up.