Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4600: Xiao Chen's Secret

On the other hand, Chen Jun's side is very quiet.

Except for normal work and propaganda activities that must be attended, there is no action in private.

Even so, Chen Jun's votes are still far behind the two candidates.

Huang Ying hopes that Chen Jun's votes will always be in the lead every day at home. In fact, she doesn't really want Chen Jun to be the president of this kind.

Before he was just a minister, he was already busy almost every day.

Sometimes, she might not see anyone for even a week.

If he becomes president in the future, he will definitely be busier.

Putting aside the country, she is just an ordinary little woman, hoping that her husband can be by her side every day, hoping to see him be able to rest and work normally.

However, she knows better in her heart that the country and people need him more than her.

Therefore, Huang Ying always pays attention to the official online votes at home every day.

I also figured out a way to make some leaflets, and send them every day to those places where publicity activities are allowed.

He is more concerned about voting than Chen Jun.

An Ziqi saw that she went out so hard every day to promote and canvass for Chen Jun, so she thought about it and just started it herself.

She comes from the entertainment industry and is best at canvassing for publicity.

Originally, I planned to follow Chen Jun to the propaganda venue to promote him, but Xiao Moli had not recovered yet and she was determined not to allow her to go out with Chen Jun alone.

An Ziqi had no choice but to think about it, and simply started a live broadcast online.

To say that the most loyal and most powerful fan in the entertainment industry must be An Ziqi's fan.

She had played several live broadcasts occasionally before, and each time was not long, but her fans could always find her the first time she started the broadcast.

Not only that, but also can always work together to send her to the hot search.

In order to attract the most people, An Ziqi first logged into Weibo, which he had not used for a long time, and posted a message to be broadcasted in the evening, and the address of the broadcast.

Then he called Huanyu and asked the media department to forward the promotion.

Her recent news fever was originally high. After such a publicity, the topic of #安子琪直播# directly ranked first in the hot search on Weibo before the live broadcast.

The live broadcast software is even more of an enemy, and all the technical staff are ready in advance.

So, the first time she opened the live broadcast room at night, the server was full.

Even if the technicians are already prepared, there are still many fans who cannot squeeze into the live broadcast room.

An Ziqi's publicity is even harder, and almost all of the requests from fans on the barrage are agreed as long as they can be met.

Seeing someone asked to sing and dance in exchange for votes, An Ziqi blinked.

"Are you sure you want to listen to me singing?"

Her five-tone incompleteness is well-known both in the circle and among the fans.

The management of the live broadcast room immediately released an incomplete link that An Ziqi sang on the show before.

However, it did not affect the enthusiasm of fans.

She just asked here, there has been a large area on the barrage to listen to, and there is a large red area behind it hahaha...

An Ziqi helps her, her fans are all black fans, and she likes to watch her make a fool of herself every day.

His eyes rolled, a sly smile appeared on his face.