Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4604: Xiao Chen's Secret

"Minister Chen, it's too dangerous, you can't..."

They were all arranged by Mr. Chen himself, and Chen Jun's safety was the first priority.

It was their negligence to be rushed to the podium by that person just now. If Chen Jun passed this time and there were any further mistakes, none of them could bear it.

Chen Jun swept around coldly, and the security guards who were blocking instantly got a cold sweat, put down their hands hurriedly, took a step back, and made a way in the middle.

Over there, Xiao Moli stepped forward, bent over and stretched out his hand to probe the man's neck artery.

The man is dead.

Xiao Moli frowned, got up and mobilized his mental power to explore the person's body carefully.

But it was in that person's mind that he encountered another familiar mental force, knowing that it was the little thing behind him, and pinched her backhand on her waist.

An Ziqi dodges hurriedly, and stretched out his hand to please.

The mental power was withdrawn after exploring the person's body for a while.

The heart that had been hanging high before finally let go.

The crowd in the audience had already all ran away.

An Ziqi thought for a while and asked Chen Jun to arrange for the person's body to be sent for an autopsy.

Some people were left to deal with the affairs of the scene, and then the three of them went to the office of Chen Jun of the Ministry of Defense.

After Chen Jun called home and reported her safety to Huang Ying, he raised his head and asked An Ziqi and Xiao Moli.

"What did you check just now? Is it related to those stale air?"

An Ziqi shook her head, "Although this person's symptoms look very similar to those of the previous person who had been mad under the control of turbid qi, but I have just used mental power to explore it, and there is no residual turbid qi in the body."

Chen Jun frowned slightly and said, "I saw with my own eyes that those bullets hit the person, but they didn't have any effect on that person."

An Ziqi raised her hand and touched her chin and turned around twice, "I can be sure that this person's situation has absolutely nothing to do with bad air.

What is going on depends on the autopsy results for a while.

Perhaps it is not necessarily controlled by a virus. "

Xiao Moli looked at Chen Jundao from the side, "You are the Minister of National Defense, responsible for the security of the country and the people.

Perhaps someone wanted to take this opportunity to take advantage of the pedestrian madness case some time ago and deliberately did this round.

Give people a false impression, and make people feel that you have not caught the murderer so far, and you haven't protected the people well.

It is not impossible that you want to affect your approval rate and pull you down. "

Chen Jun nodded. The people of those two factions have not given up until now. For the position of president, it is possible to do anything.

Lang Feng called soon, and the results of the examination of the body have come out.

Sure enough, high concentrations of new drugs, drugs, and drugs were detected in that person's body.

Obviously, those two factions are behind the scenes.

It should be similar to Xiao Moli's previous guess, using drugs to control this person, making him suddenly crazy while the propaganda activities are going on.

Because of the poison and the phantom, the bullet hit this person, and he didn't feel the pain at all.

To make people believe that this person is the same as those who went crazy before.

This leads to his negligence and reduces his approval rate.

This group of people really tried their best!

"The general election has just passed half a month, and there are still two and a half months to end.

Although your current approval rate is high, if they really lose the popular support, it is not impossible for them to overtake. "Xiao Moli reminded from the side.