Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4639

The swift movement of the hand first formed a circle of blood charms around her body, and then quickly formed a few talisman seals on her body, trying to prevent other black muddy air from invading her body.

However, with the roar of the fierce beast in the depths of the stone pool, the black stale air that gushed out from the cave to the outside world is still flowing back from the outside world continuously.

They all went crazy, despite being restrained and cleared by Xiao Chen's blood, they had to go forward and get into An Ziqi's body desperately.

Although Xiao Chen's blood has created works and prevented some of the black turbidity from attacking, it is only a small part of it.

There were more stale air that couldn't be stopped at all, and all poured into An Ziqi's body.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth, and did not pity his hands to draw blood marks on his wrists.

I want to drain every drop of blood in my body.

However, despite this, An Ziqi in front of me didn't know when she closed her eyes, dropped her head slightly, and stood motionless, without even a trace of resistance, letting the black turbid air go crazy into her Rushed.

"An Ziqi, An Ziqi." Xiao Chen couldn't care about the shocking wounds on his wrist, and reached out to grab her shoulder.

An Ziqi, who was motionless, opened her eyes sharply, waved her hand, and gave a heavy slap to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen couldn't dodge, was hit by her on the shoulder, and took a few steps back.

When I looked up, I saw that An Ziqi's eyes had turned to pitch black at this moment, as if they were two abysses that couldn't be seen to the end.

And the black turbidity that was pouring in around finally stopped, and the misty cave before was restored to its original appearance at this moment.

Outside Shitan, even a trace of foul air could not be seen again.

Obviously, all the black turbid energy that gushed out of Shitan had already poured into An Ziqi's body.

After a dead silence, there was an earth-shattering roar in the depths of the pitch-black stone pool.

After An Ziqi heard this roar, she immediately attacked Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but cried out badly in his heart. An Ziqi's situation at the moment was obviously controlled by those stale air.

If this continues, she will be completely swallowed by these stale air and become a part of those stale air.

While responding to An Ziqi's attack, Xiao Chen's mind turned quickly, thinking about countermeasures.

After absorbing the black turbidity, An Ziqi's strength skyrocketed. Before, she could also transfer instantly, but due to the strength relationship, she couldn't do what she wanted.

At this moment, she disappeared and appeared like a ghost.

Constantly appearing from various weird angles.

The actions of his subordinates are fierce and swift, and he recruits killers without mercy.

Xiao Chen couldn't really do the same as her, so he could only dodge constantly.

He was seriously injured, but he was scrupulous, and was hit by An Ziqi again.

That is to say, he is in a special situation, if he changes to another person, he may be killed by the palm of his hand.

Before, in order to seal Shitan and stop those stale air, Xiao Chen severely cut dozens of wounds on his hand.

In this situation, the wound is too late to deal with.

During the dodging, blood was constantly splashing out from the wound on his wrist.

When An Ziqi attacked him again, a drop of blood flew out and splashed directly on An Ziqi's face.

The drop of blood followed her movements and ran across the corners of her lips.