Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4667

"Cut, don't look at who our Xiao An'an is, I will scare you to death for a while."

Queen Mother Xi was sitting above the throne and didn't care about his words, but looked at An Ziqi in the enchantment with interest.

And in the enchantment at this moment, after An Ziqi wiped out the illusion of fat in one fell swoop, she immediately turned around and rushed towards the singing snake next to her.

An Ziqi's choice was not random. Fat Yi and Snaking Snake were among the four ancient fierce beasts, relatively weak.

Therefore, she would choose these two fierce beasts to attack first.

It's just that these ancient fierce beasts have long been enlightened. With the experience and lessons of the fat leftovers being killed before, it is obviously impossible to kill the fat left with one blow just like before.

With a wave of its wings, the singing snake dodged directly and flexibly.

The huge wings fanned a gust of wind, and directly lifted An Ziqi on the ground towards the sky.

An Ziqi's feet were unstable, and her light body was immediately lifted into the air under the strong wind.

Then he fell straight to the ground from a height of one to twenty meters.

An Ziqi swung a dagger in the midair while she was falling, and then flexibly swung towards Qiongqi on the side.

Although Na Qiongqi had dodged quickly and flexibly, after all, his body was fat and heavy, which affected some of his own speed.

Coupled with arrogance and carelessness, it was never expected that An Ziqi would abandon the relatively weak Naruto and Zhu Nai, and instead attack the strongest one.

For many reasons, in the last second it dodged, although it avoided most of its body position, the side waist and abdomen were still directly cut by the dagger in An Ziqi's hand.

What was even more shocking to Queen Mother Xi and the ancient fierce beasts inside was that the hard and thick skin of Qiongqi's body was actually cut heavily by the dagger in An Ziqi's hand.

The scarlet blood "crashed" and fell directly from the cut to the ground.

At the same time, An Ziqi's body finally lost support, fell from mid-air, and rolled forward on the ground a few times before finally stabilizing her body.

Then his eyes quickly swept across the barrier, and his body found a relatively safe position without any pause, facing the barrier, and quickly withdrew from the surrounding area of ​​the remaining three ancient fierce beasts.

Seeing the dazzling red on the ground, Xiao Chen, who had been sitting on the outside steps and watching a good show while eating peaches, threw the peach in his hand violently and got up from the ground.

Facing Queen Mother West on the throne directly above the main hall, he said angrily, "Old witch, you still have to be shameless, so you dare to use the real Qiongqi to deal with her weak woman."

Before, he was afraid that An Ziqi would not suffer from spiritual power, so the dagger secretly stuffed An Ziqi was made of unicorn bones.

Although those ancient fierce beasts were as famous as the unicorns, they were only transformed from some of the fierce beasts' body after all.

As long as the blade of the dagger pierced through the fierce beasts that were transformed into it, it would definitely be solved with one blow.

However, he never expected that the old lady of Queen Mother Xi would actually be fictitious, and she would take out a real Qiongqi to deal with An Ziqi, which was extremely shameless.

Fortunately, there is this dagger. Otherwise, An Ziqi's spiritual power will be suppressed. In her current state, even if she is not dead in the enchantment, she will definitely be seriously injured.