Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4714: Looking for lost love

The pained face of the man turned pale, and before he could scream out, Yun Yi leaped up from the ground with fierce force on his waist.

He covered his mouth with the other hand, raised his leg and bent his knees, and pushed it hard against the person's abdomen. Then, the arm was hard, and he directly gave the person a back fall.

The man didn't react at all from start to finish, and he was stunned to the ground.

Yun Yi quickly took off the clothes from the man, and then took off his clothes again.

After swapping clothes for the two, drag the man to the corner of the wall, showing that his clothes are tucked in the corner with his head drooping.

Then he moved quickly to take the communicator from the man's wrist and the silver pistol on his waist, walked to the door, and swiped the communicator toward the door lock.

The door of the room opened with a beep.

Yun Yi pulled her hair a bit, and slightly covered her face with the tips of her hair.

Then they followed the road they came, and hurried forward all the way to the ground.

The sky outside was already dark.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Yun Yi quickly walked towards the door.

When he was taken to the basement and locked up before, he had already remembered all the routes in his mind.

After observing a flower bed more than ten meters from the doorway, I observed it for a while, perhaps because I was confident enough in security.

There are no patrols and no guards on guard.

However, thinking of the blue light curtain that suddenly appeared at the door before.

Yun Yi did not naively think that he could walk out from here in a big way.

After waiting patiently for a long time behind the flower bed, I finally saw a car driving from the inside to the outside.

I saw that the car stopped at the door, and a person walked out of the car. After pressing a button on one side, another screen-like thing appeared on the side of the wall.

Yun Yi turned his head and looked around quickly, calculating the distance between him and the car.

Then he bent over, leaned forward, and violently rolled directly under the car.

He had done a lot of this kind of thing in the past, and he was already very comfortable with it.

Before the man turned around, his body rolled directly under the car a few times.

Then he raised his hand to grab the beam under the car, his waist was vigorously, and both feet were raised at the same time, hooking the beam, and waiting quietly.

After a while, the man returned to the front of the car and got on the car, and the sound of the engine sounded.

The car quickly drove out of the gate, and when he reached a safe distance, Yun Yi released both hands and feet at the same time.

The body directly landed, and after the car above the body left, a carp hit hard and jumped up from the ground neatly.

He turned his head and looked around for a while, and then walked forward quickly.

He had already inquired about the location of the Su family before, and now, as long as he tried to rush over immediately, he would be able to find his face.

It's just that how to get there is a problem.

He is penniless here, and it should be impossible for him to find the Su family by proper means.

However, he didn't originally think he was a gentleman.

So, after walking forward for a while, Yun Yi hijacked a car without any psychological burden.

Directly report the location of Su's house and ask that person to drive him to Su's house.

Thinking that he was about to find his face and see her.

Yun Yi jumped wildly beyond his control.