Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4770: Because she is stupid

Rong Yan turned to look out of the car window, but her eyes seemed to be disobedient, falling uncontrollably on the shadow of Yun Yi reflected on the car window.

Does she really look like Yun Yi's wife?

To the point where Yun Yi and Xiao Mango can’t tell them apart?

How high is this probability?

Or did Yun Yi and Xiao Mango only use this as an excuse to approach her?

Or, she really is...

Over there, Yun Yi turned his head, looked at her still slightly flushed ear tips, held back a smile, and asked seriously.

"Do you want to take you back to Su's house? Or do you have other places to go?"

Of course, if he hadn't grinned to the root of his ears, his serious tone might be more convincing.

"Just go back to Su's house."

Rong Yan looked out the window and answered in a low voice.

Yun Yi, who had always spoken all sorts of unsounds, was so rare that he didn't speak again, and the car was quiet.

The ears suddenly cleared, and his face was a little uncomfortable for a while.

I just think the atmosphere in the car is weird, and I feel a little uncomfortable all over.

After a stalemate for a while, seeing that the guy still didn't want to speak at all, he had to speak to break the deadlock.

"How did you know that woman's name just now?"

Of course, it was also because she herself was also curious about this question.

Yun Yi raised her lips, "I don't know her name."

The face turned to look at him curiously, "Then you call her Xiaoping? She hasn't refuted it yet?"

Yun Yi chuckled lightly, "Little Apple, or Xiao Ping for short.

As for why the woman didn't refute, it was probably because she was stupid. "


Little mango, little apple, this is really Yun Yi's naming style as always.

The communication device in Yun Yi's hand rang, and he was connected.

"what is the matter?"


Hung up the communicator, turned his head and glanced at the face on the passenger seat next to him, and said.

"Little Mango said that he has taken the woman home and is interrogating her, so please follow along and take a look."

Rong Yan pursed her lips, did not refuse, and nodded.

In addition to the original stone, the most important thing is that she has too many doubts about Yun Yi and Little Mango, father and son.

But she couldn't talk about these doubts, she could only find ways to find clues from them to verify.

Yun Yi didn't expect that the person who had refused even if he wanted to send her before would agree to go back with him so simply and neatly.

Thinking of the information she had received in the parking lot before, a thoughtful flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

The change in his appearance must be related to the call he received.

Although she has lost her memory, the things in her bones will not change.

Because of those experiences in the past, the temperament of appearance has always been independent.

There should not be many people in this world who can make her appearance change her attitude.

Just thinking about it, in another lane next to the car, a car suddenly accelerated and slammed into their car.

The roads in time and space here are all high-altitude tracks, and the lane they are driving now happens to be at the edge of the track.

In the blink of an eye, you can see the brightly lit city 10,000 meters below the track.

If they were hit this time, the car would definitely fall directly off the track.

Now that it is inevitable, Yun Yi only had time to confess to his face, "Sit down."