Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 478: It's comfortable to hold it softly

The lovers of "Time Lover" in City A have about ten days to finish the filming and come back. An Ziqi did not take any more jobs.

I accompany Xiao Yining at home every day, thinking of the law to give the two at home good food.

Within a few days, Xiao Yining's face was white and fat, like a crystal bag.

Even the face with Xiao Moli seemed to be fatter, and the original cold lines became a lot softer.

In the bathroom, Xiao Yining poked his soft face in front of the mirror.

"Mommy, it's a bun's face."

An Ziqi squeezed with a smile, "Well, the bun's face is more cute."

"I'm six years old. Don't be cute, but be as cold and handsome as Daddy."

Xiao Yining said vowedly.

"Baby, this is fine, your father is paralyzed, don't follow him."

An Ziqi smeared Xiao Moli without any psychological pressure.

So, when Xiao Moli got off work in the afternoon, Xiao Yining ran over to study Xiao Moli for a long time, then poked Xiao Moli's face with a little finger, turned his head and shouted at the kitchen in surprise, "Mommy , Daddy has also changed into a bun's face."

An Ziqi came out of the kitchen and looked forward curiously, "Hey, it seems to be a little fatter."

I couldn't help but reached out and touched it. It feels really good.

Xiao Moli thought that before Ye Wuge saw him teasing about his happiness and fatness, his face turned black immediately, and he immediately decided to lose weight.

"Why do you lose weight? I feel comfortable holding it softly like this. You were too thin before."

An Ziqi reached out and touched his waist two more. Xiao Moli was thin in his standard dress, and had muscles when he undressed. Now the muscles on his waist have finally become softer.

Satisfied and turned back to the kitchen.

Promise saw her two raised white and fat, and she couldn't help but be more satisfied with An Ziqi.

Her daughter-in-law is really good. She hasn't gotten fat for so many years, and in just a few days, she has both fattened up.

On this day, An Ziqi went to the office at noon to give Xiao Moli lunch.

Lin Man got the news and came to her immediately.

An Ziqi waited for the transition of "Time Lover" during this time, and did not take any other jobs.

"Sister Man, except for local activities in City S, I won't take any other work."

An Ziqi took off her shoes and leaned on the sofa without any image, talking on the computer while playing on the computer.

Xiao Yining fainted last time, leaving a shadow on her.

She will reduce her workload in the future and take as much time as possible to take care of Xiao Yining.

Lin Man is speechless, An Ziqi is becoming popular, there is a popular actress who has reduced her exposure like this.

He glanced at the President on the opposite side, and didn't dare to say anything.

"Tomorrow your middle school's 60th anniversary celebration, the person in charge of the school found me, I hope you can participate."

"School celebration?" An Ziqi looked up and thought, "Oh, I see, I will go there on time."

Linman didn't stay much after speaking.

Xiao Moli had eaten lunch, came over to sit down beside her, stretched out her hand to hug her, An Ziqi crooked in his arms to watch the movie together.

Within two minutes, this person began to be dishonest.

Lie on her neck and gently nibble on her neck, and his big hands dipped in under the clothes.

During this time, An Ziqi has been with Xiao Yining tonight, and there is no time to be with him.

An Ziqi smiled helplessly and stretched out her hand to push his head aside, "Don't make trouble, there will be a performance by Tianxing in the stadium for a while, and I promised her to go."

This is Xia Xing's first performance after regaining her status as a singer. Of course, she wants to join her.

Xiao Moli was depressed, "In what position do you put your husband in the first place?"