Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4781

When I clicked it, I saw the little mango's message above, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and even the tired spirit seemed to heal a lot in an instant.

Little Mango is really a little angel, cute, cute, and sensible.

Rong Yan couldn't help feeling in her heart, if this was really her son, it would be great!

After chatting with the little guy for a while, and after confirming that she had not suffered any abuse when she came back, the little guy was relieved and ended the chat between the two.

Looking at the information record of the chat between the two, there was an unstoppable smile in Yan Yan's eyes.

Early the next morning.

Face Yan got up to wash, and after a brief breakfast in the restaurant downstairs, he drove directly to Su's factory.

The Su's factory is mainly responsible for making mecha parts.

After the parts of each part are made, they are sent to the cooperating mecha manufacturing factory, and the mechas are assembled by professional mecha manufacturers.

It’s not a particularly big company in the Empire, but it was a small company before.

It is precisely because of this that the marriage between the Su family and Shen Qiu is more noticeable.

After all, in the eyes of many people, the status of the Su family was not worthy of Shen Qiu.

Because Shen Qiu made a lot of noise when he announced the marriage before, the Su Lingye Empire was almost universally known.

Therefore, when Su Ling got off the car at Su's factory, the guard at the door recognized her almost immediately.

The people below naturally didn't understand the bad things in the Su family.

They only thought that because of Shen Qiu's sake, Su Ling must have been well-loved in the Su family, and they never thought that Su Ling came here because of punishment.

Busy stepped forward to greet her, and immediately notified the factory management staff.

The management staff quickly rushed over and took her on a tour of the factory with great enthusiasm.

Su Ling's purpose in coming here was originally just to find the rough stone. Since these people's misunderstandings can make her move more convenient and free, she naturally doesn't bother to correct it.

"Our factory is mainly responsible for the production of parts from the first level to the third level of the mecha.

This is the production workshop of first-level parts, mainly some of the most basic parts of mecha.

The eldest lady is an extremely good mecha warrior. I won’t show the ugly introduction to the eldest lady where these parts are used. "

The person in charge of the factory introduced Su Ling secretly without forgetting.

Su Ling's eyes swept around in the workshop, and found nothing unusual. He nodded at random, not paying attention to what the person in charge said.

"Miss, please, this is the production workshop for secondary parts, and there is the production workshop for tertiary parts. The workshop is full of workers producing parts. It is dirty and there is nothing worthy of your attention.

If you have a rest at the office over there, if you have any information or materials you want to read, you can directly contact me. "

The person in charge of the factory gave a warm and respectful introduction.

The Su family still needs to rely on Mr. Shen in the future, and as Mr. Shen's future wife, Su Ling is naturally the one who has the right to speak in the Su family.

Therefore, he has the opportunity to contact Su Ling at this moment, so naturally he wants to have a good relationship with her.

"Hehe, do you really think she is here to inspect?"

But just like me, I was sent here by my father to be punished.

What's so pompous. "

Su Rou's ironic voice sounded not far away.