Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4921: Who is that woman

"Is there any relationship between you and Su Rou..."

Don't think she heard nothing. When she was in the waste city, she clearly heard what Su Rou had said.

Yun Yi smiled deliberately and teased her, "Is there anything?"

Pushing him away with an annoyed face, he was about to get up.

Yun Yi smiled and pulled the person back into her arms, bowed her head and kissed her, "No, nothing.

Don't say that I just pretended to be drunk that day, even if I was really drunk, it was impossible to see her. "

Yan Yan instantly stared, "What do you mean? It's impossible to look at her, but you will look at other women?

Also, who was the woman you brought home that day? You still hug her. "

Yun Yi hadn't said that his night vision was particularly good. In the darkness, he couldn't help laughing as he looked at his face with round eyes.

Straighten his face smiled in irritation, and hit him wildly.

Yun Yi stopped laughing. No wonder Xiao Moli used to tease An Ziqi intentionally or unintentionally, but now he realized that teasing his wife was a very interesting thing.

After explaining everything clearly, Ren Yan let him go.

Yun Yi hugged the little woman in his arms with great contentment. He had never been clear before, what was the reason for his face to suddenly change his attitude and abandon them.

Only now did he know the real reason. If he had known it long ago, he would take out all the evidence in the first place to prove his innocence.

Why wait till now, let her face sad for so long, but also gave Su Rou the opportunity to almost cause irreversible results.

After all, he was too impulsive.

"I am sorry."

Yun Yi didn't finish the words behind, but his face understood him.

He snorted, and then said in a low voice, "It's not all your fault, I am also wrong."

Yun Yi chuckled, "If you know what you are wrong, you can correct it, you are still a good wife."

"Who is your wife."



Biting him in embarrassment, the two of them quarreled for a while, and suddenly there was a gurgling sound in the darkness.

"Hungry?" Yun Yi raised his hand to caress her lower abdomen.

Rong Yan nodded in embarrassment, "Yes."

Yun Yi smiled and put his hand down, lowered his head in her ear and said, "Wait for me to feed you."

Seeing that he was about to annoy his face again, he got up and got out of bed with a laugh.

When I reached the window, I stretched my long arms and opened the curtains, and the dazzling sunlight instantly rushed in.

After staying in the dark for too long, Yan Yan's eyes couldn't adapt for a while, and he hurriedly reached out and covered his eyes.

He didn't let go and opened his eyes until he heard Yun Yi's footsteps approaching him.

As a result, I saw Yun Yi naked and wearing nothing, just standing in front of her in such a splendid manner.

His face was startled, and he closed his eyes busy again, "Yun Yi, you are a stinky pervert."

Yun Yi said innocently, "I don't know how many times you have slept before, yet..."

"You shut up." Yan Yan closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and interrupted him angrily.

"Hey, my wife is so fierce."

Yun Yiyou sighed with deep resentment, but there was a big smile on his face, his mouth almost reaching the roots of his ears.

Reaching out and opening the cloakroom door, he quickly found the clothes and quickly put them on, then turned to look at the face on the bed, deliberately messing up, took a T-shirt of his own, walked to the bed and stuffed it into the face of the face.

Rong Yan confirmed that he had put on his clothes, and then opened his eyes.

Seeing the T-shirt in his hand, he almost hit someone.