Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4939: Hallucinations

Yun Yi had no choice but to explain, "I'm not punishing him, just help him with physical training."

Although Little Mango possesses super powers, in some special circumstances, super powers are not omnipotent.

If one day he loses his superpowers, or, like his current appearance, forgets his superpowers, if he is not physically strong, how can he protect himself?

Yan Yan glanced at Yun Yi suspiciously, "Really? Are you sure you are not avenging your personal revenge and deliberately whole small mangoes?"

Yun Yi...

Is this image in his wife's mind?

Little Mango leaned over with a smile, and kissed her face, "Don't worry, Mommy, my superpowers are amazing, and Daddy can't fix me now."

The corner of Yun Yi's lips twitched, how did he feel that he really should take the opportunity to get this little **** up.

Otherwise, isn't this stinky kid going to turn around in the future?

Hearing what Little Mango said, she thought about her face carefully, and then put the little guy down again, "Well, that little Mango, don't be too tired, hurry up and have breakfast after exercising.

The little guy nodded, returned to Yun Yi and started to stand upside down again.

Outside the cave, a particle storm is still raging.

Rong Yan was always worried that Yun Yi would whole small mangoes, so he personally stepped forward to help train the small mangoes.

It just passed on the first day in the cave.

Except when I was sleeping at night, my face felt the slightest danger, but the rest of the time did not feel anything.

At present, their food and water are still sufficient, and the three of them have nothing to worry about.

After staying in the cave for three consecutive days, on the night of the fourth day, his face was in his sleep, and he suddenly felt the danger of approaching again.

This time, his face didn't move anymore.

Instead, he slowly opened his eyes, held his breath, and looked out of the tent.

The feeling of danger is getting closer, and his face is staring at the place outside the tent.

After a while, under the faint flame of the smokeless stove, she finally found an unusual place.

On the ground, there was a large black shadow at this moment, approaching their tent at an extremely slow speed.

Because of the light, if you don't look closely, the black piece looks like a shadow cast on the ground by the stone wall next to it.

The face is also only noticed because of staring without blinking.

The whole body tightened instantly.

Raising his hand, he slowly grabbed the dagger on his side.

Because of the events of the first night, the face has always been a little worried.

Although Yun Yi went to check later, nothing was abnormal.

In the past few days, I went to the depths of the cave for routine inspections every day, but no danger was found.

However, Yan Yan did not relax his vigilance because of this.

Before, she deliberately took his dagger from Yun Yi for this moment.

Sisi's coolness passed from the dagger into the hands of Yan Yan, and the black shadow outside was getting closer.

And as the black shadow approached, the face even vaguely heard the voice of someone talking in a low voice, as if two people were discussing something.

Yan Yan held his breath, trying to hear exactly what the conversation was, but after listening for a long time, only the sound of the storm outside and the occasional rustle of wind blowing into the cave along the stone gap.

It was as if the voices she heard just now were all just hallucinations of her alone.