Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5020: Amazing discovery

Su Ling's body was tight and slowly walked to the sink, only then could he see the situation inside the sink clearly.

Inside was a naked woman!

Her body was soaked in a transparent solution, and her skin had become transparent, and the blood vessels of various colors could be clearly seen inside.

There are many pipes of different colors plugged into his body in a mess, connected to the instruments next to him.

Except for the faint sound of breathing that can indicate that this is a living human being, the whole person looks like a corpse, soaking in the sink ignorantly.

Although she doesn't remember much, she also knows that human testing is illegal even in the interstellar space.

Suddenly I thought of the words she heard intermittently just now, Subject One.

Could it be said that in so many rooms under this secret base, all such experimental bodies are stored?

What exactly does Shen Qiu want to do?

Su Ling gritted his teeth and was about to leave to check in another room. He glanced at that face inadvertently, then turned and walked outside the door.

Just after taking two steps, his body suddenly stopped in place.

Then he turned around abruptly, walked back to the sink again, raised his eyes and looked at the face carefully.

When she saw exactly who that face was, her pupils shrank instantly.

The woman in the sink turned out to be Hailey!

She just glanced hurriedly before, and because she was soaked in the solution, her skin was pale and transparent, and it looked miserable, so she didn't recognize it for the first time.

It wasn't until after two steps that I finally noticed some familiarity.

However, shouldn't Hailie be under the abyss of planet M2 with the Shadow Clan at this moment?

Why did she appear in Shen Qiu's secret base?

The sink was sealed. Su Ling looked up and down, but couldn't find the opening mechanism, so he could only whisper a few words in an attempt to wake her up.

"Haley, Hailey?"

However, Haili in the sink did not respond. Obviously, her voice could not be heard because of being made into an experimental body.

Su Ling suddenly thought of the words Yun Yi said to her when he was in the military department.

He said she betrayed them!

At that time, she didn't think much about it. Based on the current situation, could it be said that the shadow clan...

Su Ling looked ugly, and quickly turned and walked outside the door.

He quickly walked to the next room, opened the door, and it turned out to be the same structure as the previous room.

Su Ling walked quickly to the sink, inside was the patriarch of the shadow clan.

The temperature in the underground base is probably not high because of the storage of these experimental bodies.

But Su Ling only felt that her heart was colder.

Open those rooms one by one.

Most of them were from the Shadow Clan, some of whom she knew, had talked about before, and some were familiar to her.

But without exception, they are all from the Shadow Clan.

However, even if the shadow clan had a small population remaining in the war, there were at least several hundred people.

At this moment, there are only dozens of people in this underground base.

Where did those other people go?

Su Ling was cold all over, so she didn't dare to think anymore.

The last room opened, and the middle position was not a sink, but a special chair.

The chair was facing the door, and I could only vaguely see a person sitting on it, but I couldn't see the person clearly.