Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5071

Yun Yi sneered, is this trying to insult him?

Makes people think that he is a man who can only survive by betraying a woman?

Not to mention that he had never put Shen Qiu in his eyes. Even if Shen Qiu really had the patience to deal with him, he would never hand over his wife.

There were too many battleships around, and Shen Qiu was hiding in it. He couldn't tell which battleship he was hiding on, so he couldn't take the initiative to attack Shen Qiu.

Now, since he took the initiative to send it to the door, don't blame him for being rude.

Today, he will teach Shen Qiu a word.

Let him know what the villain died of talking!

The ten fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard, and the motion of the fingers was so fast that they were connected to a shadow.

The answer to Shen Qiu was directly ten cannons.

The cannon is a much more powerful weapon than the photon cannon.

Of course, the energy required for each shot is also amazing.

Under normal circumstances, most of the cannons are only used in wars, and they are basically not used by ordinary people or ordinary mechas.

After all, the price of an energy box is equally astonishing, and the energy consumed by a cannon is an ordinary five-level energy box. This kind of consumption is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Fortunately, Yun Yi's family is thick enough. The energy boxes he carries are all 12-level energy boxes that can be called sky-high, which can support the firing of fifty cannons at a time, so they can fire with such pride.

Here, as soon as the cannon came out, Shen Qiu over there and the mechas around him, the small battleship immediately panicked.

The power of the cannon is by no means comparable to that of an ordinary photon cannon.

If the battleship he was riding was really hit by so many cannons, let alone death, he would have no bones left.

"Quick, intercept, intercept."

Shen Qiu immediately yelled at the command platform and gave instructions to the mechas and small spaceships around.

It was unexpected that Yun Yi would install cannons on his mecha, and what was even more unexpected was that he fired so many at the same time.

The mechas and small warships that were still in order to besiege Yun Yi, suddenly became a mess.

One part was busy firing photon cannons to block those cannons, while the other part was busy attacking Yun Yi, trying to block Yun Yi's next actions.

It is a pity that even though the photon cannons they fired out have a surprising advantage in quantity, they are far different in quality.

Dozens of luminous sub-cannons were fired out to block them at the same time, and under the tremendous power of the cannons, only two or three of them were blocked.

The remaining cannons are still flying towards Shen Qiu.

And inside the small battleship where Shen Qiu was, there was already a mess.

The target of Yun Yi's cannons was obviously them.

You must know that all the shells are equipped with target tracking devices, and they don't have the sharp magical operation of Yun Yi, and they can avoid shell tracking under such circumstances.

In front of the operation platform, a group of warship pilots were hurriedly operating the warship, firing photon cannons to block them, while trying to escape from here quickly.

Mainly, who could have thought that Yun Yi was so inhumane, and their mechas and battleships had no cannons or the like to defend against.

As a result, a large group of mechas and small warships were confused by Yun Yi's operations.