Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5073

The small escape pod looked like a toy car in front of the huge mecha.

The two giant hands of the mecha grabbed hard and directly squeezed the spherical escape pod.

Even if a normal person is not broken into pieces in it, it might be squeezed into meatloaf.

Yun Yi was not at ease, controlling the mecha, holding the squashed escape pod in one hand and throwing air, while in the other hand the photon cannon fired directly.

At such a close distance, Shen Qiu had no chance of escape.

The escape pod was in front of the two of them, and with a bang, it was directly blasted into scum.

Shen Qiu, who had been dying for so long, was finally eliminated by Yun Yi himself in front of the two of them.

The face on the side sighed.

Yun Yi turned to look at her with a bad face, "Why, is it a pity for you to die?"

Looks helpless, what kind of vinegar this guy is eating.

"I just feel a little emotional."

Shen Qiu was the first person she saw when she came to this strange time and space, and she was also the one who saved her.

Now that he died in front of her, he was unavoidable with emotion.

Yun Yi snorted, "Go back and settle the accounts with you."

Shen Qiu was dead, and the mechas and battleships behind him were headless, although they were not his opponents, but after all, there were so many that they didn't need to be underestimated.

Don't underestimate any opponents, this is their principle of doing things and behaving, otherwise they don't know when they will die.

Yun Yi moved quickly to control the mecha and turned around. He was about to fight, but suddenly realized that the mechas and battleships that had rushed towards him, did not know what the situation was, they all went crazy and desperately went to the opposite. In the direction of the flight.

It's as if he is some kind of flood monster.

Yun Yi frowned. He hadn't been narcissistic to this level yet, and felt that he could scare all these mecha fighters who have experienced many battles into a frantic escape.

It must be what happened behind him.

Thinking of this, Yun Yi quickly moved his fingers a few times, and took out the monitor behind the mecha, wanting to check it.

Just before he could see exactly what was on the screen, the entire mecha suddenly seemed to be attracted by a huge force, trying to swallow them.

Yun Yi can't take care of looking at the outside situation at this moment, and is busy controlling the mecha, wanting to rely on this power.

Rong Yan turned his head and looked out the window, her pale face changed suddenly.

"No, it's..."

Before she could finish her words, the entire mecha, together with the two of them, was suddenly dragged by the huge force into a dark whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent upheaval.

At the same time, the system inside the mecha was desperately issuing a rapid alarm.

As the world was spinning around, Yun Yi only had time to reach out and grab the face on the side, with force with his hand, pulling the person into his arms, and then the whole person completely lost consciousness.

"Yun Yi, Yun Yi."

Rong Yan yelled two anxiously, panic trying to reach out to protect him.

But even when he had lost consciousness, Yun Yi still kept the person in his arms.

Amidst the bumps, Yan Yan glanced out the window, her face anxious.

She wanted to try to bring up her superpowers again, but she had just tried it, and the piercing pain came out of her body again.

The face gritted his teeth and endured the pain, but he didn't dare to give up.

The pain soon overwhelmed her, and the world before her became pitch black.