Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 511: Tang eleven makes death (2)

The confidence that had just been wiped out seemed to have come back a little again.

Bite the scalp and said, "Xiao Moli, you let me go, I can let my brother not pursue this matter."

Yun Yi was almost speechless to her on the sidelines. I don't know that she was probably the one who was talking about Tian Gao Dihou. From where did this woman tell that Mo Li was scared.

Xiao Moli didn't pay attention to her at all, and asked directly.

"Horse things, are you doing things with people?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Tang 11's pupils shrank instantly, gritted his teeth and said.

"If you don't understand, forget it."

Xiao Moli stopped talking nonsense with her, walked directly to the small table in front, took the dagger from above and walked towards Tang Shi.

"Xiao...Xiao Moli, what do you want to do?" Tang 11 tremblingly took a step back.

Xiao Moli raised his eyes to look at her, pursed his lips, directly pulled her to the side of the bed, raised his hand, and severely made a cut in her leg.

Yin Hong's blood rushed out instantly.


Tang Shiyi screamed, and rolled his injured leg from the bed to the ground in pain.

Where did she have suffered such an injury, she only felt that her whole person seemed to be torn apart in general pain.

"Do you understand now?"

Xiao Moli stared blankly at her rolling painfully on the ground.

But at this level, she was already suffering like this.

Thinking of the wounds on An Ziqi's body and the wounds on her head, he could only wait to slash Tang Eleven with dozens of knives.

"It's not me, it's not me."

Tang Shixi wailed in pain.

With a cold voice, Xiao Moli stepped forward and squatted down, then slashed her other leg with his backhand.

Tang Shiyi had been spoiled since he was little, and he passed out with pain.

Xiao Moli stretched out his hand, Yun Yi shrugged and handed the syringe.

This is something Xiao Chen studied, and it can make the person who fainted instantly wake up.

Interrogation is probably the best thing, because the other party doesn't even have the power to faint.

Tang Shiyi only felt that he had just lost consciousness, and was reoccupied with heart-piercing pain.

Opening his eyes, he saw Xiao Moli standing in front of her, looking at her condescendingly.

"Xiao Moli, you... dare to do this to me, my father and my brother will not let you go."

Although she was spoiled, she was not completely stupid.

Seeing Xiao Moli doing this, he knew that even if he was scrupulous about Tang Sect, he would not let her go easily, and would no longer defend himself for those useless.

"Tang Qing has already left, give up your mind."

Xiao Moli threw the dagger in his hand, and coldly dropped a sentence, "The pain you have caused An Ziqi to suffer, I will let you return it thousands of times."

After speaking, he turned around and went out, Yun Yi followed him out.

"Find someone to bandage her wound, don't kill her."

"Do you want to negotiate with Tang Sect?" Yun Yi wanted to ask after thinking about it.

"Tang Qing's purpose for coming to S City this time is not simple. He has had contact with the Iron Blood Sect, Hong Sect, and some political figures." Xiao Moli pursed his lips.

He had already received the news before, but it didn't violate their interests, so he didn't bother to take care of it.

Yun Yi thought for a moment, "Does Tangmen want to enter the Asian market?"

"It depends on whether he wants to enter the Asian market or not." Xiao Moli squinted.

"In the North American market, it's time for them to give way."

the other side.

An Ziqi was dizzy all day.