Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5118

Was it beautiful that her face was so gray and sudden, but she was ugly and strangely white and beautiful.

Even if Yun Yi slapped her in the face, even the Beauty Bird helped to slap her in the face, which was simply too unacceptable to her.

The eldest lady stood there, her eyes glaring fiercely at her face, wishing she could tear people up and throw them away to feed the monsters.

His face raised his eyebrows, that guy Yun Yi was jealous all day long, and he didn't look at how much he attracts bees and butterflies.

But the effort to participate in a competition provokes a young lady.

Tsk tsk, look at the murderous eyes.

She absolutely believes that if Yun Yi is not here at the moment, this woman will immediately rush to fight her life and death.

However, that's okay, and the corners of her face curled up. She was originally worried that Yun Yi would use this beast to treat her in this way and all kinds of toss at night.

Now that this woman suddenly came out, she had a good reason to refuse to resist.

Next to him, Yun Yi didn't care about the eldest lady at all, and even gave her a stingy look.

Hearing Diss' voice and turning his head to look over, he saw Diss standing not far behind them, his clothes still stained with dust.

Obviously, when he pushed him just now, Diss helped him from below.

Yun Yi pursed his lips and walked to the Diss and said, "Thank you for your help just now. I owe you a favor. If you need help, just speak up."

He always loves and hates clearly, dislikes and dislikes, but it is true that Diss helped him just now, and he still needs to thank him when he should.

"However, don't think that you helped save my wife this time, and you can use this to approach her in the future.

Do you dare to hold those messy thoughts to her, I will never let you go. "

Diss shrugged and sneered, "Know, you don't need to worry, although I do think your wife is very cute, but I still have the most basic morals of being a human being.

Will not forcibly grab someone's wife and become a third party. "

As he said, he turned his head to look at the lady on the other side, and smiled, "Don't you think, lady?"

This sounded like a justification for myself, but anyone with a brain can hear it.

What he said clearly meant that this eldest lady didn't even have the moral to be a person at the very least, she forcibly robbed her husband and became a third party.

No matter where it is, the third party will always be despised.

The crowd of onlookers had already begun to point to her.

"Everyone already has a wife, and it's too shameless to forcibly want to penetrate between the husband and wife."

"That is, even if she is the eldest lady of the Teslow family, she can't steal her husband."

"Besides, you can see that they have told her very clearly just now and will not be merciful to her men.

She is so shameless to rush to post. "

"They didn't even give her a look."


The eldest lady was almost crying, glared at Diss fiercely, and gritted her teeth to him.

"Dis, you dare to do this to me, my family will never let you go."

It's okay if she doesn't speak, she speaks like this, it's tantamount to confessing what Diss said about her third party.

For a while, there were more voices around her pointing and pointing, and the words that were said became even harder.

The eldest lady couldn't hold her face anymore, and finally gave an annoyed look, turned and ran away.

Here, Diss shrugged indifferently.