Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5137

Since someone saw Yuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan being taken away, that is to say, it was not his illusion that he heard someone calling him in the stadium before, but one of Yuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan really came to him. .

With her face, if she really wants to break into the arena to find him, the two guards at the door are definitely not her opponents.

Moreover, it was absolutely impossible for his face to watch Yuan Yuan being taken away by the man.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the face was taken away by that person before, and Yuan Yuan went to the stadium to look for him.

The two guards at the door must have already been bought by the eldest son before telling him that no one came to look for him.

Thinking of this, Yun Yi's eyes grew colder.

This eldest son, really **** it!

His original purpose was just to leave here with his face, return to the empire as soon as possible, find Little Mango, and then find a way back home and take them home together.

What the old man had done before, at best taught him a lesson.

As for the various forces and power disputes in the black hole, he has no interest and does not want to participate.

Now, since he is going to die, then he will fulfill him.

The steps under his feet were fast, and he left the living area in a short while, and after continuing for a while, he quickly entered the hunting area.

Yun Yi, the hunting area of ​​level three monsters, has all explored once before, and is very familiar with it.

There are the most people hunting daily, and that person with a face will definitely not hide here.

The same is true for the second-level hunting area. Yun Yi walked directly toward the depths of the first-level hunting area without any pause at his feet.

They hadn't been here for long. In order to explore the secrets of the cave, he had only had time to explore the third-level hunting area, and he had never been to the first-level hunting area.

Compared with the people coming and going in the tertiary hunting zone, it is almost considered to be off the beaten track.

Not to mention a hunter, even if it is a hunting cave, Yun Yi hasn't seen one after walking for so long.

I don't know if it is his illusion, even the temperature in the surrounding air here seems to be much higher than the third and second level hunting areas.

As he continued to move forward, the ground on the soles of his feet became hotter and hotter, as if stepping in magma.

Yun Yi couldn't help but frowned. What is in the hunting area of ​​this level that could make such a change in the entire hunting area?

Or is there really a volcano about to erupt down here?

Since he entered the first-level hunting area, he has been several kilometers away, but he has never seen a hunting cave.

No wonder Yuan Yuan said that she had never seen a rough stone of the first grade in the black hole for so many years.

There must be something weird in this level of hunting area.

What exactly does that person want to bring his face to such a place?

It has been several hours since her face disappeared in the morning, she is now...

Yun Yi didn't dare to think anymore. He couldn't help speeding up his steps. After walking a few hundred meters ahead, he turned a bend. After seeing the situation in front of you, Yun Yi's pupils shrank instantly.

This... how is this situation possible?

Even in this time and space, both the standard of living and the level of technology far surpass that of the earth.

However, at least everything is in line with his common sense.

But at this moment, what he saw in front of his eyes was clearly beyond his common sense, and was not in the scope of his cognition at all.