Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5144

It's just a pity that he completely forgot, his face was still standing on the other side.

All the little movements made by him behind his back are in sight.

Although I don't know what that cylindrical thing is, I can guess that it must be a hidden weapon or a weapon with great lethality.

Otherwise, he would not be used as a life-saving tool at critical moments.

At the first time the grandson moved his hand, he immediately drew a dagger from his waist with his backhand, and flicked it towards the grandson's wrist.

This dagger was specially placed on her by Yun Yi for her self-defense.

She had never understood why Yun Yi would like to carry cold weapons with him. After all, guns are more effective no matter what.

After arriving here, she realized why Yun Yi liked it.

Guns may run out of ammunition, laser guns may also fail, but only cold weapons will never be available.

At some point, a dagger is even more useful than a gun.

The sharp dagger caused a sharp airflow in the air, and the big young man's hand shook subconsciously.

Dozens of tiny spikes shot out from the cylinder in his hand, "boom boom boom" crooked to the rock wall of the cave.

Yan Yan squinted his eyes and saw that after the spikes hit the stone wall, they all turned into black liquid in an instant, descending down the stone wall.

On the hard rock wall where the black liquid was struck, gray smoke appeared.

After the smoke dissipated, I saw that the stone wall had become cratered, and a thick layer was actually corroded by the black liquid.

Over there, after the first attack failed, the eldest son was about to do it again.

Yun Yi and Rong Yan moved at the same time and rushed towards the big young man.

In fact, the eldest son himself is really good, and he is definitely one of the best masters in the black hole, otherwise, it is impossible to become the heir of the Teslow family.

If Yun Yi was affected by the R-ray before, it would be okay if he hadn't practiced Guwu yet, and if the two met, he still had the power to fight.

It's a pity that now Yun Yi is not only Gu Wu's success, but the influence of R-rays on his body has also been completely eliminated.

In this way, Yun Yi's skill at this time is not just a metamorphosis, but a metamorphosis in a metamorphosis.

He could not be Yun Yi's opponent at all, and it would be difficult to even take a single move.

At this moment, under the rush of action, Yun Yi had come directly to him without even having a chance to shoot.

He stretched out his hand like lightning and squeezed his wrist, fingertips pressed hard, and the cylindrical object fell from his hand with a "slap".

Then he heard a "click", and the big young man's hand dropped weakly in an instant.

Because the movements were too fast, the big young man couldn't even make a sound.

It was not until Yun Yi released his hand and directly pinched his neck that the eldest son finally realized afterwards the severe pain caused by the broken wrist, and couldn't help screaming.

Yun Yi stood there, calmly, "Scream again and wake up the two monsters, and I will just put you in their mouths."

The old man's already ugly face turned pale in an instant.

He absolutely believed that if Yun Yi said this pervert, he would definitely do something like this.

Besides, if he was really eaten by these two monsters, he would be destroyed.