Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5160

With a strong hand, he drew his hand from Yun Yi's hand.

Then walked towards the other side of the stone platform.

Yun Yi only noticed that on the other side of the jade container, there was a small stone platform with a shallow dent on it. It seemed that something needed to be placed in the dent.

He hurriedly reached for what the referee had given them before, and just opened the box, only to find that Rong Yan had reached the small stone platform.

Stepping forward quickly, trying to reach out and hold her, Rong Yan has already taken out something from his arms and put it directly into the shallow dent on the stone platform.

And the thing in her hand was the crystal ball she had taken out of the cave in the first-level hunting area before.

The shallow dents on the stone platform actually matched the curvature of the crystal ball.

As the crystal ball was put in, there was a "boom", and the whole temple trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the cold air in the container became stronger and stronger.

And with the protective shield under their feet, it also gradually began to freeze.

But the face was still looking forward with blank eyes at the moment, standing there motionless, letting the ice below her feet attack her.

"Hurry up, I can't stay here anymore."

Yun Yi quickly stretched out his hands and took his face, hugged him, then turned his head to look at Dis, motioned him to lift the person in the container and leave quickly.

The corner of Diss' lips couldn't help but twitched fiercely.

This is not only to be forced to feed dog food, but also to be used as a coolie.

However, he couldn't let Yun Yi hold two by himself.

In desperation, he had no choice but to step forward and reach out and lift the person from the container.

Then followed Yun Yi and quickly walked towards the outside of the temple.

Probably because of the relationship between them taking people out of the container, the chill is getting stronger and stronger.

The protective cover had completely lost its effect. After a while, the light yellow round light finally went out with a "pop".

The ice began to spread quickly from under their feet.

When they walked to the entrance of the temple, Yun Yi and Diss's two calves were already covered with ice.

The administrators waiting outside the temple seemed to just stand there and wait on a routine basis. They didn't expect them to complete the task successfully and bring people back.

Seeing a few of them came out, he couldn't help but stunned for a while, and his eyes quickly swept over them. After seeing the woman in Diss' arms, his eyes could not help but be shocked.

The people in power have been trapped in the temple, which is the secret of the temple and the black hole.

The reason why martial arts contests are held regularly is to find a way to save the people in power from the temple.

After so many years, of all those who stepped into the temple, only two escaped alive.

In addition, none of the remaining people successfully escaped from the temple, let alone completed the task.

Unexpectedly, this time Yun Yi and Diss not only successfully completed the task, they also rescued the person in power from inside.

Busily closed the door of the temple behind, and walked quickly toward the palace in front of them with a few of them.

Diss stiffly and carefully put the man on the bed inside the palace.

The administrator of the temple has already ordered people to call a doctor who specializes in serving the temple to check the physical condition of the person in charge.

Over there, Yun Yi looked at the person in his arms with an ugly expression.