Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5185

Unexpectedly, only now did I know that this place turned out to be the birthplace of the Zerg.

As long as he thinks that they live in the nests of those bugs all day long, Yuan Yuan can't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Over there, after Yun Yi finished speaking, he looked up at Song Shen, "Doctor Song, you have been in the black hole for a long time, and you should have done a lot of research on the monsters that hunted him.

Do you think what the person in power said is credible? "

Song Shen frowned, "Impossible. Although the vitality of the Zerg is indeed strong, it has been constantly developing and mutating under the influence of R-rays over the years, but I can be sure that so far, no Zerg possesses a division Two vitality.

What's more, even if they have it, it is difficult to transfer this ability to humans.

Yun Yi nodded, he had already guessed, so he was not surprised by such a result.

"However, she..." Over there, Song Shen paused, and a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes toward the face.

Upon seeing this, Yun Yi's heart hung high again in an instant.

"But what? Doctor Song, is her face..."

Song Shen shook his head directly, "No, what I want to say is, the reason why I am so sure, in addition to the reasons mentioned above, there is another most important reason."

As he said, he seemed to have made up his mind and looked up at Yun Yi, "I saw her outside the black hole before."

"What?" Yun Yi's pupils couldn't help but shrank, and he subconsciously said, "Have you seen her?"

Song Shen nodded and sighed heavily before he opened his mouth to explain.

"Back then, when I was outside the black hole, I was considered well-known in the medical world.

Especially in some research on mental power and human body. Later, I was invited to do a human cloning experiment under the name of research experiment.

Try to separate a human's mental power from herself, and then re-store this part of the separated mental power in the cloned human body next to it. "

Having said that, Yun Yi already understood what was going on.

The temperature in the eyes quickly cooled to the extreme, "So, you participated in the performance and forcibly separated the mental power and superpowers of the face from her, and then stored it in the cloned human body?"

Song Shen said in embarrassment, "Although the experiment of human cloning is against morality, it has always been allowed by the government and the government in private.

Because a successful clone is not only stronger than ordinary people in terms of combat effectiveness, but also in terms of physical fitness and intellectual level, it can also be fully controlled by itself.

You can even have a built-in chip and direct commands.

No matter from which aspect, the benefits to Zhengfu outweigh the disadvantages.

In the past few years, I have also participated in many cloning experiments organized in private by the Empire and Federation.

Therefore, I just thought that the nature of this experiment was no different from that of the past.

So he signed a non-disclosure agreement with those people and went to the place where the experiment was conducted.

It was also in that laboratory that I saw her for the first time.

She and another clone, who had no consciousness at all at the time, lay together on the experimental bench.

That was the first time I saw such a perfect clone.

Whether it's body or appearance, everything is indistinguishable from her.

If it weren't for the occasional unconscious rolling eyeballs under her eyelids, it would be impossible to tell which one is the real her. "