Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5186

"At the time, I was not the only one involved in the experiment.

The task they gave me was not what I said at the beginning, to separate the mental power from her.

But let me try my best to protect her mental power alone and ensure that she will not be separated.

Then another person separated the other power and the memory in the brain from her body and stored it in the body of the nearby clone.

At that time, although I was angry that they deceived me, the situation at that time could not help me repent.

If I withdrew on the spot, her mental power would definitely collapse in the experiment, and even be separated from the other kind of power.

At that time, she would definitely die.

What I didn't expect was that after the experiment was over, they were afraid that I would leak the secrets and information of the experiment, so they would throw me into the black hole.

Later, without knowing what happened, the clone also came here, and created a living quarter, becoming the person in charge here.

I don't know if the person in power can remember the experiment that year. If she remembers and knows that I am here, in order to keep her secret, she will definitely kill me.

So, for so many years, I have been hiding from seeing her.

I never thought that one day I would see her body again. "

No wonder he felt a little familiar when he saw the face in the hunting area before.

It was just that his face was abruptly gray at the time, and he couldn't see her face clearly, so he didn't think much about it.

Back then, he himself was only out of enthusiasm and hobby for research, so he chose to participate in the original experiment.

There is not the slightest desire to seek any rights from it.

Moreover, at that time, he didn't know his face.

If he had known that there would be this kind of intersection between him and Yan Yan, he would not be able to participate in that experiment anyway.

However, this world has never known it earlier, and there is no regret medicine.

Now, the only thing he can do is to do his best to make up for the damage that the experiment caused to his appearance.

After listening to all of this, Yuan Yuan, Cao Li, and Qi Zheng knew what was going on between Rong Yan and the person in power.

"So, you mean that Sister Rongyan is the real her, and that person in power is actually just a clone of Sister Rongyan?

Also grabbed Sister Rongyan's super powers and her memory? "

Yuan Yuan frowned and looked at Song Shen.

Song Shen nodded very ashamed. After all, it was because of him that he had made his appearance like this.

The look on Yun Yi's face was already so gloomy that it was frozen. As long as he wanted to fight his face, he wanted to kill someone when he was lying helplessly on the cold test bench and being experimented as a guinea pig.

I just want to rush out of the black hole right away, catch all those who participated in the experiment, and pull out each person and shoot them 500 times.

No matter who it is, he will definitely not be spared when he goes out this time.

Turning his head and looking at Song Shen with red eyes, "You can check her first to see what she is doing now."

Song Shen felt guilty and sad now, and nodded, "Okay."

Taking a step forward, she stretched her hand over Yan Yan's arm, gently covering her pulse with her fingers.

Yun Yi pursed his lips to look at him, and couldn't wait to ask, "How is it?"

The expression on Song Shen's face became strange.