Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5195

What was the superpower of Little Mango, except for himself, he didn't even know his appearance.

What's more, today's opponent is just a half-clone that steals superpowers from the hands of the face.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the person in power may really be against the sky, like a god.

However, in front of the real superpower masters, it is not enough to see.

The person in power looked at the ground getting closer and closer to him, and finally reacted from the sluggishness.

Immediately mobilize the super powers in his body to try to stop the tendency of his body to fall and pause in the air.

However, all the super powers in her body seemed to have failed, and it seemed that she had encountered something terrible and all hid.

No matter what she tried, it was useless, her body still fell completely uncontrollably toward the ground, and there was a tendency to get faster and faster.

Only then did the person in power panic.

How is this going?

Where did this little kid come from?

The ability is so strong!

The point is, until now, she hasn't even seen what this kid looks like.

He rushed into the house and directly attacked her, not even giving her a chance to say hello and breathe.

Struggling in the air for a long time, seeing that it could not be stopped, in the end, I could only hurriedly wrap the super power outside my body, and then watched myself "bang" and fell heavily to the ground.

Compared with the superpowers and consciousness that she inherited from her face, her physique was originally the worst.

Even with the blessing of super powers, this time, he vomited blood directly.

The person in power gritted her teeth hard, she originally thought that even if her superpowers were not fully restored, it would be enough to deal with Yun Yi and Yan Yan.

Unexpectedly, first Yun Yi's strength improved amazingly, he was already troublesome enough by himself, and now such a little devil appeared again, whose strength was far stronger than her.

However, now, the super powers of the face have begun to recover, and after missing today, it will be even more difficult for her to swallow the face of the face once the face is completely restored.

Before he could wipe off the blood on the corners of his lips, he raised his hand and took out something directly from behind. While throwing it towards their face, he quickly got up, adjusted all the superpowers in the group and moved towards the little mango in the sky. Attack away.

Little Mango glanced at her disdainfully, her body instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment she appeared directly in front of the person in charge.

And the things she threw to the face of Yan Yan before were stopped by Little Mango directly with super powers before reaching the face of Yan Yan. I don't know where it was.

"Idiot, I want to bully my daddy and mommy in front of me, looking for death."

Little Mango's voice fell, and the person in charge who had just gotten up from the ground was once again swished and disappeared in place by Little Mango.

After a while, he landed heavily with a "bang".

Yuan Yuan and the others hadn't seen the situation in front of them clearly, and the person in charge had disappeared again.

As a result, in the following time, there was a bang from time to time in the yard.

And along with the banging, there were the dust, screams, and blood spurting on the ground and on the wall.

The man in power was crushed and beaten by Little Mango throughout the entire process, and he had no ability to fight back.

The strength gap is too obvious!

Yuan Yuan and Cao Li, Qi Zheng and their group stood there.