Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5229

For the first time, he looked at Yun Yi and saw that he had opened his eyes and was watching her with affectionate concern. The violent turmoil in his heart, the lingering fears of those in the dream, finally gradually dissipated.

Yun Yi raised his other hand and gently stroked her little face, then calmly said, "It's okay."

Rong Yan raised his hand to hold his slightly cold fingers, and felt his real existence before exhaling heavily.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

The voice in his mouth was actually even more hoarse than Yun Yi, a person who had been asleep for a few days.

It seemed that among the two of them, she was the one who was sick, not Yun Yi.

Yun Yi couldn't help frowning, and raised his eyes to look at someone not far away who was playing games with his mobile phone.

"Xiao Chen, come and check for her to see if she is unwell."

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes at him speechlessly, "I think it's better for you to care about your own health first than her."

Yan Yan turned his head, and then saw that Xiao Chen did not know when he had already arrived in the laboratory.

He got up busy, and said to Xiao Chen with a little embarrassment, "Brother Xiao, I'm so embarrassed to keep you waiting for a long time.

You can check for him first. "

Xiao Chen got up, walked forward with a smile, raised his hand and rubbed Rongyan's head, "Goodbye."

Yun Yi on the bed turned black for an instant, and he jumped up to fight with him, "Xiao Chen, you bastard, did you rub my wife's head?"

If it hadn't been for the face on the side to press him back, maybe he would really fight Xiao Chen.

"Brother Xiao, don't be familiar with him."

Xiao Chen looked at Yun Yi disgustingly, "Look at people's faces, Xiao Xiao, so kind.

It's like you, being with your face every day, I haven't learned a little bit of other people's advantages.

He learned it from Mo Li's stinky boy, and he didn't know anything about politeness. "

The expression of disgust was simply not too obvious. After speaking, he immediately changed into a smiling face and turned to look at his face.

"I think this guy is ill and too mild to be alive and kicking.

He is so disobedient and not polite, it is better to let him stay here alone for a few more days and let him fend for himself. "

Of course Rong Yan knew that Xiao Chen just said that casually, and he and Yun Yi daily fought each other.

She has been with Yun Yi endlessly these days, and Xiao Chen is not much better than her.

In order to find out what is going on with Yun Yi's body, the light in his own research room has almost never been extinguished.

Over there, Xiao Chen was very disgusted with Yun Yi, but he kept checking on him.

Check instrument data, blood tests, physical tests, and full body examinations.

Yan Yan watched nervously from the side.

After some tossing down, it was already an hour or two later.

Looking at the results of the examinations in front of him, Xiao Chen was very surprised and said, "Judging from the results of this part of the examinations, Yun Yi's body is getting better."

"What about his blood and cell conditions?" Yan Yan asked Xiao Chen with a nervous look.

Xiao Chen replied, "The blood test results will not be available until at least in the afternoon, but there is an inevitable connection between various physical data.

Inferring from the current situation, everything should be improving.

The same goes for blood and cell tissues. "

Only then did Yan Yan exhale heavily.

Xiao Chen tilted his head slightly and said to her.