Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5238

But even so, even if the pixels are not clear, even if there is only half a face in the photo.

This person, this face, Yun Yi is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes in this life.

That person is the face!

It's just that in the one eye that was photographed.

Even across the screen, the numbness and coldness in his eyes made people scared.

His eyes quickly glanced at the news below the picture.

Gritting his teeth, "I'll rush to the capital side at once."

Just as he was about to return the computer in his hand to Xiao Moli, Yun Yi saw another place sharply.

The corners of his eyes instantly turned red because of anger, and he couldn't help but squeeze the tablet's fingertips.

The slim tablet creaked because it couldn't bear the power of his fingers.

The metal on the edge of the computer is directly pinched and deformed.

What happened?

Why did Rong Yan suddenly leave Longyuan and go to the capital? Why did she suddenly become as cold and ruthless as she is now?

Why, there is a man's hand on her waist?

Who is the man who was not photographed? !

Yun Yi was originally worried and impatient, and now his whole person is about to explode.

I just wanted to rush to the capital right away, find the face and ask clearly what is going on.

An Ziqi's vitality was badly hurt because of her forcing into the heavens. Even if she wanted to send Yun Yi to the capital, Xiao Moli would never allow it.

And Xiao Moli was for An Ziqi to recover as soon as possible, giving her all the spiritual power that could be used in her body.

Xiao Chen didn't mind sending him there, but, "Don't be impulsive, this news picture is the only clue. On the other side of the capital, Chen Jun is arranging for someone to investigate it carefully.

If you find clues about your appearance, I will tell you as soon as possible.

What you need to do now is to calm down! "

In case, after seeing his face, this guy would do something impulsively that he would regret later, they would really have no choice at that time.

"I know." Yun Yi said directly.

Seeing how he gritted his teeth, Xiao Chen was speechless, he seemed calm.

"I think you probably need to calm down on the plane."


Two hours later, Yun Yi finally got off the plane and rushed to Chen Jun without stopping.

In the office.

"Any clues to find her?" Yun Yi asked, pursing her lips.

"I asked people to call up all the road monitoring near the scene at the time of the incident. Unfortunately, it was in the road refurbishment phase there, and most of the monitoring was unavailable.

This is an image of her intercepted from the remaining small part of available surveillance. "

Chen Jun tapped a few fingers on the computer keyboard in front of him.

Yun Yi was about to reach out for it, but Chen Jun reached out and held his hand, hesitated, and said.

"Yun Yi, no matter what you see in a while, be sure to calm down."


Yun Yi said solemnly, stretched out his hand and turned the laptop in front of Chen Jun, took a slight breath, raised his eyes and looked at the top of the screen.

I saw that in the photo with not very clear pixels at the top of the screen, the face and a tall man wearing a black trench coat stood side by side and walked forward.

And that man's arm was wrapped around his face.

In the photo, the face showed a small profile, and the man had only one back.

The two seemed very close.