Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5249

I don't know how many bright spears and dark arrows are facing him in the open and secretly every day, just wait for him to make a mistake and pull his pigtails.

Chen Jun pursed his lower lip and said, "If this matter is really related to the appearance and the man, I believe that their purpose is not just to kill the people, and there will definitely not be only those two people.

After that, there may be a third, fourth, or even fifth, and more similar murders. "

Huang Ying's reaction was quick, and she spoke quickly, "Do you want to design a similar trap to attract Yan and that man to appear?"

Chen Jun chuckled lightly, and squeezed Huang Ying's small face with his hand.

"It seems that not only your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, but your head is getting brighter."

"Then of course, this lady was known for being a high IQ when I was still in school. Can you learn to dominate?

If it weren't for Xiaobao and Xiaobei later, I would definitely be admitted..."

Halfway through the conversation, Huang Ying realized that Chen Jun was a joke that changed her way. She had a bad head before.

"Chen Jun, you bastard, dare to laugh at me."

Huang Ying glared at him angrily, turned around, made a fist, and slammed into his chest.

Chen Jun didn't stop him, smiled and put his hand around her waist, and took the opportunity to pull the person into his arms.

Allowing her to hit his strong chest a few times, the little woman even disliked his chest being too hard.

Chen Jun couldn't help laughing helplessly, the two of them were playing around here.

The phone in the left pocket rang suddenly.

He usually carries two phones with him. One is for grandpa and Huang Ying, Xiao Moli and their relatives and friends, and the other is for work.

The phone that rings at this moment is the work number.

He couldn't be in his current position like Xiao Moli and Yun Tian, ​​and he just threw it away when he heard about work.

He pressed Huang Ying's dishonest little thing to his chest, then reached out his hand from his pocket and took out the phone to connect, and put on a serious voice, "What's the matter."

"Your Excellency, it's okay. The largest prison in the suburbs of Beijing was robbed just now, killing 13 people and injuring five prison guards.

Based on the photos of the deceased sent back at the scene and the situation reported back from the prison.

The deceased in the prison were the same as those in the previous two homicides, and they found a trace of wounds all over their bodies. "

An urgent voice came from over the phone.

Chen Jun frowned instantly, "What did the forensic doctor say?"

"The forensic doctor of the task force is already on the way, and the autopsy report will be available in about an hour."

Chen Jun paused, "Are there any witnesses?"

"No, the thirteen people who died were all heavy criminals. They were kept in a separate area. They were discovered by the prison guards while delivering meals." The phone quickly replied.

Chen Jun said, "What about the surveillance data?"

"All the surveillance in that area was destroyed, and no information was left."

Chen Jun nodded, "I see, suppress all the news. Don't leak any news to the outside until there is a conclusion on this matter."

Everything was arranged, and Chen Jun stayed with Huang Ying at the hospital for one night.

Leaving the hospital early the next morning.

Chen Jun did not tell Yun Yi about the prison, he still needs a definite evidence.

The design of traps has been organized in an orderly manner.

Two days later, everything was ready, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

(On the first day of February, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, babies, love you, do you?)