Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5275

He will never let her live until now, and threaten him with bad things time and time again!

With a cold snort, he didn't speak any more, turned around and walked out the door.

The door was closed again from the outside.

After the sound of footsteps outside the door was completely far away, Ren Yan fell back on the bed feebly.

The dizziness and pain in her mind hit her, making her almost unable to control herself wanting to scream.

Holding his head tightly with both hands, he exhausted his utmost willpower to resist the tsunami-like pain that was stronger than the waves.

On the forehead and on the body, a cold sweat soon came out of pain.

But for a moment, the sweat almost soaked all the clothes on her body.

"Boom boom boom"

There was a knock on the door from outside the room.

He gritted his teeth and tried to stabilize his voice, "What's the matter?"

"Miss Rong, the young master said that there is something to leave soon, let me call you together." Madam Yang's voice came from outside the door.

Rong Yan took a slight breath and raised her voice, "I see."

Five minutes later, his face was pale and went downstairs.

Ying Ruhe and Lanyan are sending Mo Shaonan out.

Probably because of the united front just now, Ying Ruhe has lost the enthusiasm and intimacy she had just now.

A big turn of 180 degrees came almost completely.

Just greeted her indifferently and asked her to take care of him by Mo Shaonan's side, so she didn't say anything more.

After all, for her, no matter how good the relationship with Shen Rong is, no matter how she likes her appearance, she can't compare to her love for her son.

Her care and love for her appearance is only based on the absence of family conflicts of interest. Once their positions conflict, she will naturally choose Mo Shaonan without hesitation.

She doesn't blame her for her appearance. If it is her, she will definitely choose her own son and family.

"Shao Nan, if you have time, can I visit you?" Lan Yan said shyly.

The corner of Mo Shaonan's lips curled up, "Of course, you are welcome anytime."

Lan Yan's cheeks couldn't help but become redder.

Ying Ruhe smiled and patted her hand, "When we find a good time here, we will let you get married and give us a fat grandson as soon as possible."

"Auntie." Lan Yan hid behind her shyly, not daring to look at Mo Shaonan again.

Mo Shaonan greeted the two of them and got into the car directly.

After simply saying hello to Ying Ruhe, he walked towards the car with Mo Shaonan.

"Auntie, I still have something I want to tell Shao Nan, you go back first, then go back soon." Lan Yan said embarrassedly.

Ying Ruhe smiled and nodded her forehead, then turned back to the house.

Lan Yan quickly stepped forward, grabbed Yan Yan's arm, and looked at her proudly, "See? Shaonan now likes me.

Aunt Ying said, she immediately contacted my parents and sister to discuss our wedding date.

Rongyan, if you still have a face, don't pester him anymore and leave as soon as possible. "

While talking, the other free hand took out a check from his pocket.

He curled his lips and said, "I know Yun Yi dumped you. You are short of money and men now.

However, if I can satisfy you with money, men have no choice.

Here is five million, you leave with the money.

If you need a man, go find another man, anyway you are so good, just hook one.

Don't let me see you again, or don't blame me for being rude. "

(My face with toothache is swollen into a bun, I just want to roll, and I reluctantly write two more changes. Please forgive me, the cute ones~)