Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5323

Everything seemed to gradually become clearer.

If her guess is correct, then the matter is very simple.

An Ziqi took a slight breath and didn't think any more.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Chen, then winked at him.

Xiao Chen nodded, and the two of them stepped into the mountain protection formation together behind Li Sisi.

Li Sisi was holding a companion talisman in his hand, while Xiao Moli temporarily blocked his breath and pulse, pretending to be dead and she controlled her body with secret methods.

There was no expression on her face, her eyes were numb, and she followed her like a walking dead.

An Ziqi and Xiao Chen followed behind her.

The formation was very quiet. At the beginning, Li Sisi could clearly hear An Ziqi, Xiao Chen, and even Xiao Moli walking behind her.

I don't know when, the surroundings are so quiet that only her own footsteps and breathing are left.

Even Xiao Moli, who had been controlled by her and followed her stiffly by her side, had no footsteps.

This mountain guard was originally designed to isolate from the outside world and prevent someone from invading, and the formation was murderous.

If there is no pass symbol, forcibly rushing into the mountain, you will definitely be strangled by the formation.

Li Sisi was unwilling to get caught in the Xiao family before, and planned to use the mountain guard to get away from Xiao Chen and the others, but he never found a chance.

At this moment, the people behind disappeared, and she finally waited for her chance,

The hand holding the pass symbol was tight, and he took a slight breath. Just as the other hand was about to squeeze his hand, a sneer suddenly came from his head.

The coldness in the laughter almost seeped into her bones, and the hairs on Li Sisi's body stood up in an instant.

The movements on his hands were also frozen there, and he dared not make any more movements.

This sneer was a reminder and a warning. If it wasn't for her to be useful to them, she would have been killed thousands of times.

The ability of Yuanshen's voice transmission, if it were placed thousands of years ago, when the monks flourished, it really was not a shocking skill.

But in this environment, she has practiced for hundreds of years, and the only person who can speak from the soul is the patriarch.

Obviously, An Ziqi and Xiao Chen are far stronger than their patriarchs.

After all, she underestimated their strength.

Li Sisi hurriedly collected other thoughts, and focused on moving forward towards the top of the mountain.

The footsteps behind her were still inaudible, but she didn't dare to have the slightest thoughts in her heart.

After half an hour, Li Sisi finally passed through the mountain protection formation, looking at the high-walled courtyard towering in front of him, not only did he not relax at all, but he became more and more nervous.

Wanting to inquire about An Ziqi's next action plan, she turned her head and glanced carefully behind her. Except for Xiao Moli, who had a numb expression on the side and a blank eye, there was no trace of An Ziqi and Xiao Chen at all.

She didn't know what to do, but An Ziqi's voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Don't look back, go straight in, follow his previous instructions, and take Xiao Moli to find him."

Li Sisi didn't dare to say much, closed his mouth, and hurriedly controlled Xiao Moli, leading him in with him.

In order to convince the black-robed man that Xiao Moli had really been killed by Li Sisi.

Xiao Moli had already closed his five senses, and all his movements at the moment were really all controlled by Li Sisi.