Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5410: If the two loves last for a long time, h

"You must still want to hear me sing, I said, as long as you want to hear, I will sing."

"No one can replace you in my heart


His voice has long since made no sound, he can only open and close silently.

After one sentence, he finally couldn't stretch it anymore.

He buried his head in his cold-faced neck, and his shoulders couldn't help but shrug.

The daylight broke, and all the things she wanted to eat were finally delivered.

But in the end, whether it was she wanted to watch the sunrise with him or the things she wanted to eat, he didn't help her achieve anything.

The dazzling sun rose slowly along the sea level, and cast a large expanse of golden sparkle on the sea.

Bring this piece of world temperature.

However, Yun Yi only felt that the delicate body in his arms was getting colder and stiffer.

He can only hold her tightly, trying to warm her with the temperature of his body.

However, in the end, even the temperature on his body seemed to cool down.

At the doorway downstairs outside, although the few people didn't know why, Yun Yi would let them buy these things suddenly in the middle of the night, and when they arrived, they pressed the doorbell without any response.

But he was still standing there with the heat preservation box in his hand, not daring to leave.

I don't know how long it has passed, the little mango suddenly brushed, and instantly appeared in the glass room where Yun Yi and Rong Yan were.

A small face was full of panic, and he suddenly had a strong heart palpitations in the middle of the night last night, as if some of the most important things in life had been dug away.

He didn't dare to think too much about what this so-called most important thing was.

Both Daddy and Uncle Xiao Chen have already gone to find Mommy. Although Daddy is not reliable, he is still very trustworthy in matters related to Mommy.

And Uncle Xiao Chen's medical skills are unparalleled in the world, and the earth grass has also been brought back, and there must be a way to save Mommy.

He waited in the laboratory all night, staring at the door without blinking, expecting Daddy and Uncle Xiao Chen to bring Mommy back in the next second.

But as time passed, as the night passed, the sky gradually lit up, and the anxiety and panic in his heart had reached its extreme.

And the feeling of distress and loss that was dug away by Shengsheng became stronger.

It was as if something was pulling him here in the dark. When the heart palpitations in his chest were at the extreme, the superpowers in his body directly followed the feelings and brought him here.

At this moment, looking at Daddy holding Mommy in the cradle in front of him, his eyes were red and swollen, his face was expressionless, and his mouth kept opening and closing silently, Little Mango's head rang and exploded instantly.

Walking towards the cradle in disbelief, as he approached, you could clearly see that Mommy's face was pale, her eyes closed against Daddy's arms, and there was no reaction to Daddy's weird appearance.

It looked like he was asleep.

Little Mango stretched out his still fleshy little hand and pulled the corner of his face.

He whispered, "Mommy."

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no response from her face, she pulled her clothes with her little hands again.


After making a few calls, and seeing no response from his face, he hurriedly reached out to shake Yunyi.

"Daddy, what happened to mommy?

Why does she ignore me? "

Yun Yi's eyes drooped slightly, fixedly looking at the person in his arms.