Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5536: Bad wife

"Say what you just said again." A cold voice came in from outside the door.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid to say it ten times again, she's a little bitch, I'm going to kill her today..."

The headmaster's legs were so frightened when he heard this sound, that Ling Feiyan was still jumping and yelling frantically over there.

A figure flashed in front of them, followed by a few "happiness" sounds.

When everyone in the office reacted, Ling Feiyan's cheeks were already swollen high.

"You spit out another word from this stinky mouth, even if I can kill you." Leng Lizhong's murderous voice sounded in his ear.

For a time, the temperature in the entire office seemed to drop several degrees.

In the entire office, no one dared to make any sound.

Ling Feiyan couldn't help trembling all over his body, his body froze in place, not daring to move.

"Young Shao Yun, are here."

Upon seeing this, the principal hurriedly bit the bullet and stepped forward, asking Yun Yi to sit down on the sofa next to him.

No way, Yun Yi can't afford to offend him.

He also couldn't afford to offend the Ling family.

If Ling Feiyan was really taught by Yun Yi today, there would be many shortcomings.

The Ling family looked back, they didn't dare to look for Yun Yi, but they would definitely look for him.

Therefore, in any case, he had to hold on until Ling Feiyan's family arrived.

At that time, what they want is their business, it has nothing to do with him.

Yun Yi gave him a cold look.

The headmaster closed his mouth busy, and didn't dare to say another word.

The chill on Yun Yi's face finally faded until he saw the little **** the sofa.

The little girl seemed to be a little uneasy, sitting on the sofa with her head slightly lowered and she didn't dare to look at him.

Hearing the sound of his approaching footsteps, he couldn't help squeezing his hand.

"Get up." Yun Yi walked to her and stopped, still with an unignorable chill in her voice.

Rong Yan bit her lower lip, rubbed it, and stood up from the sofa, stubbornly raising her face to look at him.

Seems to be waiting for his sentence!

The look of pride, stubbornness and reluctance to give up, looked like the face of the future.

Yun Yi pursed her lower lip, and raised her hand to reach her face.

Rong Yan thought he was going to treat her like a bad boy and beat her to teach her, with his teeth biting his lips, he was ready to wait for the slap to fall.

However, to her surprise, Yun Yi's fingertips fell on her face very softly.

As if for fear of accidentally hurting her.

Yun Yi looked at her and asked in a low voice, "Did it hurt anything?"

The concerns and worries in the eyes are not concealed.

She looked at the face in front of her calmly. Although she had no memories of the past, she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart. She didn't seem to have had a good time as a student.

Even when she opened her eyes and came to the world of Yunyi, until now, she has been haunted by an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

She didn't know where this sadness came from, and she didn't know if she accepted Yun Yi in this way.

Before coming to school, she locked herself in her room and checked many things in the school online.

School violence is not uncommon, so she was not afraid when she was provoked by Han Youchen and others.

But what worries her more than campus violence is Yun Yi's attitude towards this kind of thing.

There are too many parents because after the children are called to school.