Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5575: I am your father

Yun Yi had already made preparations, knowing that she would not be able to run out, and let her toss in the yard.

When the little girl got tired, she stepped forward.

No matter what I thought, this little girl was indomitable, and it happened to **** her head towards him.

The two ran into each other with a "boom".

Face "Ah" couldn't help crying out in pain.

The bastard's chest didn't know exactly what it was made of, it was so hard to die, her eyes were full of tears almost instantly.

Yun Yi didn't expect that this little thing would be so hard, he hurriedly raised his hand to cup her little face, and said anxiously.

"How? Let me see if the injury is serious?"

Seeing her red nose hit, I couldn't help but feel distressed.

Seeing this, Yan Yan immediately raised his hand and punched Yun Yi in the face, then turned and rushed out toward the door again.

But my feet accidentally stumbled on the scattered net on the ground, my body became unstable, and with an exclamation, the whole person threw straight toward the ground.

Although the ground is a lawn, her fragile nose will explode if she really pounces on it like this.

Seeing that she was about to rush to the ground, Rong Yan could only grit her teeth and close her eyes.

On the other side, Yun Yi was worried about her, but she was unprepared, and she hit her face with a punch.

That little thing is not big, but not weak.

The smash was so ruthless and accurate, even Yun Yi couldn't help hissing.

I was able to stabilize my body here, and when I saw the little thing standing upright, he rushed to the ground.

In an instant, a heart flew out of his chest.

Busy stretched out his hand and rushed towards the little thing.

While catching the little girl, the whole person, together with the person in his arms, rolled to the side for two laps, and finally stopped.

I didn't care about the pain that had just been smashed on my face, so I hurriedly pulled out the little girl in my arms, up and down, carefully looking round and round.

After seeing that except for the reddish nose and no other injuries outside of her body, she was finally relieved.

He twisted his eyebrows and looked at the little girl, "How is it? Except for the nose, there is no pain? Where is the injury?"

The concern and urgency in those eyes are so obvious.

The face shook his head subconsciously, "No."

"Is there really no injury under the clothes?" Yun Yi asked with some worry.

Face, "No."

Yun Yi finally relieved himself completely, supported the ground with one hand and got up, then stretched out his hand to pull the little girl from the ground.

Seeing the mud and leaves covered in her body, she naturally stretched out her hand and gently patted it off for her, muttering in her mouth.

"People of all ages are still walking so carelessly.

I don’t know, you were so skinny when you were a kid, and you were still frizzy when you were doing things..."

Ever since he saw his face for the first time in his memory, his face has been very calm.

No matter what the situation is, always calm down.

How can I think that when I was young, there would be such a huge contrast.

He has been with the face for a long time, and he has long been accustomed to putting his face first.

Whether it's the act of filming the soil for her for the first time, or the chattering in her mouth, it is extremely natural.

It seems that he has done these things thousands of times.

The face bit his lip, looking at the person in front of him, the firm thoughts in his heart were gradually shaken.

Maybe he is really not a bad person.

And she was not imprisoned here by him.

Yun Yi patted the dirt on her body clean.