Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5584: Slap in the face too fast, like a tornad

It just so happened that the police station was investigating a criminal gang that abducted and sold young girls. One of the criminals dressed up and looked very similar.

Moreover, after comparing the images they had collected on the surveillance records before, they found that both body shape and makeup are almost 80 to 90% similar.

They almost immediately concluded that the face was the criminal, and the stinky rascal in her address book must be someone else in the gang.

They are naturally unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity for meritorious service.

As a result, there was the arrangement of ambushing and arresting people just now.

It's just that they have countless calculations, and they never thought that the last person who waited would be Yun Yi.

"Shao Yun, look, could it be that criminal who stole your phone?"

The person in charge spoke cautiously.

They have been investigating this case of trafficking in girls for a long time, and the pressure from above is very great.

Now that they finally found such a clue with great difficulty, they really didn't want to give up.

Yun Yi squinted his eyes slightly. If he remembers correctly, all the clothes for Yan Yan are the latest models that he has let people take directly from the luxury goods manufacturer and have not yet been put on sale.

He didn't think anyone could be similar in appearance and dress.

Moreover, he also didn't think that someone could steal her cellphone from her face without knowing it.

One minute later.

Seeing some people sitting in the detention room with guilty conscience, Yun Yi's tense face couldn't help but crack a gap.

The face slap came too fast, like a tornado.

Is it too late for him to take back the sentence that no one can resemble his face?

I saw that inside the detention room, there was an explosive head with smoky makeup on the eyes, a small face that looked like a wall, with a few layers of thick foundation, and a blood-red little girl with her mouth still sitting at the bottom .

Seeing Yun Yi standing outside, under the cover of the smoky makeup that almost occupied half of her face, she secretly glanced at Yun Yi, and then quickly lowered her eyes.

It was as if Yun Yi couldn't recognize her as long as he didn't look at him.

Yun Yi now finally knows why the person in charge would say that the criminals are nine times similar to her in figure and dress.

With her current style of killing Matt, among those little gangsters on the street, you can probably catch a lot of them with just one shot.

Also, no wonder the people guarding outside didn't notice her coming out after she entered the bathroom before.

This little girl must have already discovered the people behind her, so she bought these outfits, and after deliberately changing to the bathroom, she swaggered out of there.

When he checked the surveillance, because he was too impatient about the news of the missing face, he didn't even think about changing clothes, so he ignored the killer who came out of the bathroom.

Next to him, the person in charge carefully glanced at the ever-changing complexion on Yun Yi's face, and spoke again somewhat unwillingly.

"Shao Yun, it is her. Are you sure that she is your person, did you admit your mistake?"

Yun Yi nodded decisively, "It's her, let go."

The person in charge, although he was unwilling to lose the clue like this, he didn't dare to offend Yun Yi.

He had to gritted his teeth and immediately released the person from the detention room.

"The person you are looking for is not her."

Yun Yi dropped a word, and then left with someone directly.