Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5592

She wanted to see and text her what kind of monster it was.

She didn't have a driver's license and could not drive by herself. Yun Yi specially assigned her a driver for her to use when she went out.

Of course, there are some people who protect her secretly.

In fact, except for her safety, Yun Yi did not restrict any of her personal freedom.

After disappearing in the mall last time and finally making trouble to Yun Yi's place, his face was afraid that Yun Yi was worried, so he didn't get rid of the people behind and let them follow.

After getting in the car, she told the driver the address she was going to, and then she sat in the back of the car and closed her eyes leisurely.

Although the driver didn't understand why she was going there, it didn't matter where she went as long as her face was willing to let them follow and protect.

After half an hour, the car stopped in front of a middle school.

Rong Yan pushed the car door and got out of the car, and walked directly towards the school.

This middle school is the best aristocratic school in the city. In S city, almost all the children of celebrities and aristocrats are here.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about security.

Here, she just walked to the door when she was stopped by the security guard in the guard room.

Rongyan smiled and greeted sweetly, "Hello, uncle, I am a student in the first grade of high school. I came late in the morning because of illness."

She is not very old, plus a pretty face and sweet mouth.

In a few sentences, he opened the door with a smile, opened the door and put her in.

As for the people Yun Yi arranged to protect her, don't worry about her.

Those people will definitely think of other ways to get in.

At this time, it should coincide with class time, and the whole school is very quiet.

Yan Yan walked straight forward.

She only has the memory of waking up from Yun Yi now, and she doesn't have any other memories.

However, I don't know why, looking at the campus in front of her, there was a familiar feeling in her mind inexplicably.

It's as if she's been here before.

Could it be that she once went to school like the other students here?

Think about it carefully, Yun Yi is so rich, it is not strange that she would come here to go to school before.

If this is the case, does it mean that there are traces left by her.

In other words, there are other people in this school who will know her and know her past?

Rong Yan was thinking about whether or not to wait for the end of get out of class for a while, just grab someone and ask first.

The phone in his pocket rang suddenly.

The face recovered, and he reached out his hand and took the phone out of his pocket. After seeing the phone number displayed above, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up slightly.

I tapped my finger a few times on the screen, switched out a software, saw the signal source displayed above, raised my eyebrows and walked in the direction of the signal source.

According to the direction of the signal source, Yan Yan finally came to a hidden flowerbed on the school playground.

Before I got to the back, I heard a vague curse coming from behind the flower bed.

Her face curled her lips and directly clicked on the number that she had previously sent a text message to to call back.

Behind the flower bed, the shrill telephone ringing instantly.

The man seemed to be taken aback by the ringtone, hung up the phone hurriedly, and cursed, "Damn devil, I don't think you can shed tears if you don't see the coffin.

Since you are shameless, don't blame me for being rude. "