Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5599

The face replied, hesitated, and still looked up at Yun Yi.

I was about to ask about Ai Xue and what she was talking about about the enchantress.

The phone in Yun Yi's pocket rang.

I told Rong Yan to let her play alone first, and then turned around and hurried to the study.

Rong Yan had to temporarily suppress the doubt in his heart.

Yun Yi went to the study to deal with the company's affairs. Rong Yan was alone in the living room, bored and turned on the TV.

I just saw Yun Yi's familiar face on the TV screen.

"President Yun, how do you respond to the turmoil on the Internet during the recent period of time, and your harbouring of wanted criminals?"

"President Yun, is the person you took away from the police station really related to the wanted criminal?"


In front of the camera, the densely packed microphones were almost poking Yun Yi's face.

The reporters asked questions like bullets, one by one more straightforward.

Yun Yi said calmly, "I have sent someone to assist the police in catching the wanted man, and now he is in the police station.

Regarding that someone slandered me for harbouring wanted criminals on the Internet, which caused huge economic losses to Yun's, my lawyer team has issued a lawyer's letter, and Yun's will be investigated to the end. "

In the past few days, there has been an uproar about this matter on the Internet. For the sake of traffic and bloggers’ attention, these large and small media below have more or less reported similar gossip news.

Hearing Yun Yi's blatant threat at this moment, they all shuddered.

Someone in the crowd was sneaking out of their mobile phones and quickly texting their own people to delete the previous gossip.

However, in this situation, the nationwide live broadcast, they can only bite the bullet and continue to speak.

"President Yun, how did you catch the wanted criminal who had been wanted by the police station for so long without any clues in such a short period of time?"

"President Yun, how can the general public be sure that what you handed over to the police is the real wanted criminal?"

The meaning in the words is self-evident, obviously saying that Yun Yi may have harbored the real wanted criminal, but he just found a dead ghost and handed it over to the police.

The surrounding group of reporters all quieted down in an instant. Who is so afraid of death that they dare to ask such questions in public.

The corner of Yun Yi's lips still smiled, but the words in his mouth were cold.

"I will assist the police until the missing girls are retrieved. Of course, I will never let go of those malicious framing."

The media below shivered instantly, and there was a dead silence.


In front of the TV, Rong Yan watched the interview on the screen, only to realize that Yun Yi had directly arrested the real wanted criminal.

I have to say that this is indeed the best way to resolve those rumors on the Internet.

No wonder Yun Yi has been going out early and returning late in the past few days. He turned out to be busy with this.

The interview was not long, and Yun Yi ended directly after answering a few questions.

In fact, for him, he doesn't care about this influence of public opinion at all.

If it wasn't for the appearance of things, he wouldn't bother to arrest people.

Rong Yan looked at the back on the TV that had turned around, thinking that he was in his busy schedule, and he still had to take care of him everywhere, and his heart warmed.

"I just left for a while, do you think I want to blush?" A playful voice sounded in my ears.

Rong Yan realized that she had just lost her mind, and Yun Yi didn't know when she had come out of the study.

His warm breath sprayed into his ears, his small face could not help but become redder, and he shrank back in a hurry.

"I didn't. By the way, you haven't told me why that Ai Xue said that I am a demon girl, a substitute for face."