Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5610: Brothers are like siblings, women are li

He can't take this risk!

The person in charge stood there looking at the busy figure, the look on his face changed and changed.

If something happens to Yun Yi, Shao Li and President Chen will not let him go, and it is not necessarily because of an accident.

After all, brothers are like brothers, and women are like clothes.

What's more, this is just a teenage girl with yellow hair.

In any case, in order to save his life, he must solve this case.

Since these wanted criminals could make explosive threats for a little girl who was arrested, it means that the little girl must be some important person among them.

And now is the best time for them to solve the case.

Therefore, Yun Yi can go, but her face cannot let her go.

After making up his mind, the person in charge hurriedly turned to the other side to make arrangements.

Rong Yan followed the group of people, carefully placing Yun Yi in the back of the car.

Arrange for one person to drive, one behind to ensure Yun Yi's safety.

During this period, someone has been pretending to move around them.

A sneer of disdain hung on the corners of her face.

This person in charge is really embarrassing.

Fortunately, she had searched for Yun Yi's information on the Internet before and knew about his relationship with Xiao Moli and Chen Jun.

Now I used it to temporarily bluff Director Qin.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to send Yun Yi away first.

At that time, not only did she have no way to guarantee her safety, but also no way to protect Yun Yi.

She wasn't sure how long these words could bluff the person in charge, the sooner Yun Yi left, the better.

Without further ado, after watching the car door closed, he waved them to leave.

The remaining two people stepped forward vigilantly and guarded their faces.

The car had just left here, and Director Qin had already brought people over there.

He smiled hypocritically and said, "Miss Rong, although you look like the wanted criminal eight or nine points from a distance, you still need to do some disguise just to be on the safe side.

Of course, it is also for your safety.

Time is urgent. There are only forty minutes left before the time limit for the wanted criminal. Let's get started. "

The two people behind Rong Yan had naturally heard the conversation between Rong Yan and the person in charge before, and guessed what they wanted to do with Rong Yan.

This kind of thing is too dangerous, there are too many variables, and they have no way to be 100% sure of the safety of their appearance.

Immediately he wanted to step forward, but his face stretched out his hand to stop them.

Nodding, "Okay."

He turned his head and glanced at the two people, indicating that they were okay, and then followed the person in charge towards the small tent on the other side.

In fact, the height and body shape of the face is very similar to that of the person. Just a little heavy makeup and non-mainstream clothes are enough to be fake.

It does not require any technical content to apply heavy makeup, just apply those cosmetics to your face indiscriminately.

A few minutes later, the face was settled over there, and they changed into the clothes they had already prepared.

The person in charge quickly took her to another car and said falsely, "Miss Rong, you should be able to drive by yourself."

Yan Yan said sarcastically, "Director Qin has high hopes for me, and I must know how to drive now even if I can't drive."

After speaking, he didn't wait for the person in charge to respond.

He turned around and walked to the two people who Yun Yi had sent to protect her. He beckoned and asked them to lean over, whispering a few words in their ears.