Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5628: Sinful land

The picture that flashed in that moment was simply frantic.

Rong Yan almost didn't rush in directly, beating all the wretched men inside.

But if she really did this, not only would she expose herself to being caught and put herself in danger, but she would also become a handle in the hands of these people and cause trouble to Yun Yi and the others.

Thinking of what the woman told her when she was underneath.

It now appears that these people not only let them serve these customers, but also deliberately recorded these images.

On the one hand, it can be used as a handle to threaten those customers to protect them, on the other hand, these videos may not be used by them.

Someone in the surveillance room seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Rong Yan quickly avoided, and rushed towards the corridor over there.

Rushing to the end of the corridor at the fastest speed, he saw a staircase going up to the outside.

Fortunately, the person in the monitoring room downstairs probably just turned his head by coincidence, and found nothing wrong, and didn't mean to come out and check it.

The face quickly went upstairs, just like downstairs, with a door at the end of the stairs.

I stood behind the door and listened to the outside for a while. It was quiet behind the door. I could faintly hear the sound of the wind blowing over the leaves and the rustle of the distant sea washing up the beach.

Occasionally, one or two clear bird calls can be heard.

Judging from these voices, it should be wee hours outside now.

Yan Yan narrowed her eyes slightly. It was four or five in the morning when she lost consciousness and was caught by the man.

It seems that she hasn't lost consciousness for too long.

After confirming that there was no one outside, Rong Yan gently opened the door.

Through the window, you can already see the white fish in the sky.

Rong Yan glanced outside, quickly determined the surrounding situation, and where the door to go out was, then rushed towards the door.

Everything went smoothly unexpectedly. After dozens of seconds, the face was already standing outside the door.

As she had previously guessed, this is indeed a villa area.

From the outside, it looks like the villas faintly seen in the distance, standing quietly and beautifully here, there is no difference.

However, only those who have been here know what kind of purgatory this quiet and beautiful underground is like.

These wanted criminals are really smart, knowing that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Putting their base camp here openly, no one would have thought that such a place of evil would be hidden in this rich villa area.

But thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be a surprise.

Here, those celebrities and decent people come and go unnoticed.

Rong Yan didn't have time to think about it, and was about to raise his leg and ran out of the gate.


A majestic male voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Rong Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped in place, and her whole body was stretched.

"Which group are you from? Why are you here at this time?" the man asked again.

The sound of footsteps approached her.

Rong Yan's head turned quickly, and at the same time, his eyes quickly swept around a few times.

Wealthy people live in the villa area. The picture is probably that there are few people, clean people, and a good environment.

This villa area is the same, the distance between each building is very long.

She doesn't have a car, and it would be very difficult if she disturbed the people here and wanted to escape.

The footsteps behind him are getting closer.