Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5635: A thousand years of scourge

The eyes seemed to be surging.

For a while, she couldn't understand what he meant.

In any case, Yun Yi was fine at last.

Yan Yan exhaled heavily, and then looked at him suspiciously and called out, "Yun Yi?"

But the person looked straight at her with his eyes straight, without any response.

Rong Yan just breathed a sigh of relief, and instantly raised it again.

Could it be that Yun Yi has been injured, but she didn't see it?

Busily opened his mouth and shouted again, "Yun Yi?"

Seeing that he never said a word, he didn't care about other things.

Busy and cautiously pushed him away, and quickly got up.

Pulling him up and down, carefully inspected it around.

After confirming that there was no place on his body to be injured, and there was not even a trace of excess house debris and dust, he looked at Yun Yi again.

He blinked puzzledly, "What's the matter with you?

Where did I get hurt? Didn't I find it?

But even a piece of your body..."

At this point, the face suddenly stopped.

With such a serious explosion, it was a blessing to be able to hold his life, but Yun Yi didn't even have a trace of excess house debris and dust on his body, which was obviously abnormal.

Just now she was only worried about Yun Yi's safety and did not have time to consider this issue.

Thinking of something, he looked down at himself busy.

Only then did she discover that not only Yun Yi, but also the slightest dust on her own.

Then look up and look around.

When the explosion happened suddenly, almost everyone in the villa had no time to hide.

At this moment, not only she and Yun Yi, but everyone around her was completely clean, without the slightest trace of mess.

It was as if the explosion just now hadn't happened at all.

how can that be?

The ruins of the collapsed villa in the distance clearly showed her that not only did the explosion just happen, but the consequences were quite serious.

However, if it does happen, what is going on with them at the moment?

A terrible conjecture suddenly popped into Yan Yan's mind.

Could it be that all of them had actually been killed in the explosion just now?

"Yun Yi."

Face Yan called again with a trembling voice, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch him.

I want to confirm the guess in her mind.

However, before her hand touched Yun Yi, Yun Yi had already jumped over there, holding her tightly in her arms.

Overwhelming kisses directly drowned her.

His unique breath was in his mouth and nose, and his face quickly put those messy thoughts behind him.

After a while, he was immersed in Yun Yi's violent and fierce kiss, unable to extricate himself.

Even the breathing was forgotten, until Rong Yan's eyes turned black, and the lack of oxygen that hadn't been kissed almost passed out, Yun Yi finally let go of her.

Rong Yan just wanted to ask what happened to Yun Yi.

Suddenly they saw that, without knowing when, all the people around them had risen from the ground.

The crowd was divided into two sides, with their people on one side and the wanted criminals on the other.

Both groups were facing each other with weapons in their hands.

And she and Yun Yi happened to be among the crowds on both sides.

Although the people on both sides are all menacing, but their eyes are dodging from them who dare not look at the middle.

In other words, the two of them were in front of everyone just now...

Thinking of this, Rongyan's small face was hot instantly.