Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5646: Clearance

She has felt it carefully, except that she is not wearing any clothes, she has no discomfort.

This at least shows that although she slept with this man last night, nothing should have happened between the two.

Although at the moment she woke up, she found that she had lost all her memories.

But with her knowledge of herself, she didn't think she would be a woman who would have **** with other men casually.

Moreover, just feel free to feel that she is not a weak woman without the strength of a chicken.

There is no such thing as being threatened to go to bed.

Therefore, she would be merciful to Yun Yi's feet, otherwise, she just woke up, not just kicking Yun Yi out of bed, but directly killing him.

Yun Yi never expected that God would surprise him such a big surprise.

He already missed her so much that he missed her so much that he was almost crazy.

Yun Yi didn't care about answering her question, turned over and jumped up from the ground, and directly stretched out his hand to rush towards the face.

However, before his fingers touched his face, his face flew up and kicked towards him again.

Where Yun Yi thought about dodge in front of her face, she kicked back mercilessly with one kick.

This time, Rong Yan didn't let him go as easily as before, but followed up, raised his leg and stepped directly on his chest, looking at him condescendingly.

Queen Fan spoke completely, "Answer my questions honestly and don't play tricks in front of me."

Yun Yi was kicked to the ground, with a foot still on his chest.

It wasn't that he was so bad and couldn't hide, but because he was facing the face, he didn't even want to hide from beginning to end.

If you change someone else, let alone a chance to step on his chest, I'm afraid that he will be abolished directly before the foot reaches him.

But what she did now was her face. For him, whether she kicked him or stepped on him, it was the fun between their husband and wife.

He naturally didn't care.

Calmly tilted his body slightly, and raised an arm to support his face.

Lying on the ground leisurely, smiled brightly at his face.

"I am your husband Yun Yi, and you are my wife's face.

Yesterday we slept together naturally to do normal physical communication between husband and wife.

Our home is in S city, and this is my apartment in B city.

Dear wife, are there any questions? "

When Yan Yan heard Yun Yi's answer, not only did she not stretch her good-looking brows, but frowned even tighter.

Especially when she looked in the direction of Yun Yi's hands.

This person didn't know when he had already consciously touched her feet and massaged her one by one.

His eyes were still looking at her brightly, as if asking her for praise.

The corners of Yan Yan's lips couldn't help but pulled back, and immediately retracted the foot that had stepped on him.

He said directly, "I can't marry a rascal and rogue husband like you."

Unexpectedly, instead of being ashamed, the guy on the ground proudly raised his hand and stroked his hair, and spoke quite cheeky.

"My wife's vision is naturally good, that's why he chose me as a handsome, suave, and outstanding man."



Yun Yi got up from the ground indifferently and patted the dust on his body.

Said proudly, "Of course, you can't marry a wife if you want to face it.

You will find out how good I am in the future. "

(Knock on the blackboard, mark the key points, look at the title~)