Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5757: Love you more than three thousand times

That's why he didn't dare to look at his face, he didn't expect it, but made his face misunderstood.

"Well, believe you for the time being, I'm almost hungry, let's bring out the food first."

Rong Yan reached for his gloves, and turned to the microwave to serve food.

Originally, she just wanted to change the subject, not really questioning Yun Yi.

With the lesson of being scalded just now, where did Yun Yi dare to let her carry things.

Busily took the gloves from her hand to carry things by herself.

After dinner, it was late, and the two chatted for a while as usual, then washed and went to bed.

The face didn't avoid him anymore.

After the breathing of the person beside him calmed down, Yun Yi opened his eyes and looked at the person in his arms carefully.

Probably after coming here, there was no need to hide in front of An Ziqi and Xiao Chen, and the face did not continue to dye her hair.

Scattered white hair appeared between the black hair.

But the smooth corners of the eyes in the past have a few more obvious fine lines at this moment.

White hair and fine lines at the corners of her eyes gave her a touch of wind and frost.

But in any case, she is still the person he loves most.

Yun Yi subconsciously raised his hand, trying to smooth the fine lines around her eyes.

But when my fingertips came to her, seeing her sound asleep, I was afraid that she would be awakened, and even more afraid that she would have any misunderstanding due to this, and finally put it back again.

I watched her silently for a long time, leaned forward slightly, leaned forward, and dropped a soft kiss at the corner of her eye.

Then he stretched out his hand to embrace the person in his arms, and then closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, Yun Yi woke up early, and the person next to him had his eyes closed and had not yet woke up.

She rarely sleeps in bed, and Yun Yi didn't intend to wake her up.

A kiss was dropped on her forehead and the thin quilt on her body was covered, and she stood up lightly.

Walking out of the door lightly, he immediately rushed all the way to find An Ziqi and Xiao Chen without any scruples.

An Ziqi had expected him to come back early in the morning and was already waiting in her courtyard.

Seeing him rushing into the door in a hurry, he joked, "So early? Isn't this like you? Do you need Xiao Chen to make up for it?"

Yun Yi is not in the mood to joking with her now, straight to the point, and directly asks, "What is the situation with her face now?"

An Ziqi stopped joking when she saw it, "She probably told you yesterday, that's what she said."

Yun Yi clenched his hands tightly beside him, pursing his lips without making a sound.

An Ziqi sighed heavily, "Xiao Chen and I have analyzed countless times. There are two possibilities.

One, she will experience a complete life, old age, sickness and death, and then everything will return to the original state.

Second, she is declining day by day, to the end of life, and everything is over. "

Yun Yi looked up at her, "Which possibility do you think is higher."

An Ziqi shook her head, "I don't know, no one can predict the result until the end of the matter."

The face is still constantly changing, and it is precisely because of the uncertainty of change that she and Xiao Chen can only watch at this moment, and there is no way to make a move.

Just like a seed before it takes root, germinates and bears fruit, no one can predict whether the fruit it will bear is sweet, sour, good or bad.

In case the fruit is good and sweet, if they forcefully intervene in the middle, it will cause bad results.

Such results are definitely not what everyone wants to see.