Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 584: Not his woman

An Ziqi glanced around. Although she wanted to chat with her idol, she thought of the tragic experience of Mu Fei being forced to eat spicy food and drinking in City A last time. An Ziqi kindly chose to sit in Ye Wuge Beside.

Ye Wuge ignored someone's eyes, put his hand on her shoulder with a smile, glanced at someone and said, "It seems that my brother is more attractive."

Some people in the box are singing and some are playing games, and the atmosphere is very lively.

An Ziqi sat beside Ye Wuge with a glass of juice honestly, watching Ye Wuge play a dice game with the people next to her.

Ye Wuge didn't forget to talk back to her while playing games, An Ziqi answered, but his eyes looked towards Xiao Moli subconsciously.

With a sullen face, he was sitting alone in the lively box, as if out of tune with this world.

An Ziqi bit her lip, don't look too far at him.

Ye Wuge's eyes rolled between the two, smirked, and shouted a group of people to play a truth or dare.

An Ziqi was sitting closest to Ye Wuge, and of course she was inevitably asked to participate.

The rules of the game are very simple, that is, one person takes a beer bottle and spins it on the table in the middle, and whoever points to the direction at the end of the bottle will choose the truth or the big adventure.

In the first game, after the bottle turned a few times in the middle of the table, she pointed at a female artist in the crew, and she chose to speak the truth.

Then the person who turned the bottle asked a question about how old her first love was.

The questions generally asked when playing this kind of game are more gossip, and this kind of question is not a big deal.

The female artist simply replied that after she was sixteen years old, she had been coaxed for a while and she passed through her early love.

I played a few games in a blink of an eye. Some people chose to tell the truth. The questions asked next to them were all sorts of strange, and the answers were very funny.

Some people also chose a big adventure, and there were people who asked to run out to confess to strangers, and there were people who let the puppies bark. Most of them were spoofs, not too much.

An Ziqi sat there smiling, leaning forward and closing, the bottle turned many times without turning to her.

Fortunately, she saw that the beer bottle dangled at her after turning a few times.

The bottle finally pointed to An Ziqi. Those women who had been thinking carefully would not let this opportunity pass, so someone immediately asked.

"What to choose? Truth or adventure?"

An Ziqi thought for a while, "Speak the truth."

"There have been rumors outside that you are the president's woman, is it true?"

As we all know, the relationship between An Ziqi and Ye Wuge has always been ambiguous, and Ye Wuge has repeatedly tore the media for An Ziqi.

Many people in the crew feel privately that An Ziqi must rely on Ye Wuge's unspoken rules to get to the top.

Now he asked such a question, it was clear that he wanted to provoke An Ziqi and Ye Wuge's relationship.

Ye Wuge looked at An Ziqi with interest.

The two have not had a public relationship, and he is also curious about how An Ziqi will answer.

Xiao Moli, who had been drinking silently, also turned his head and looked over.


An Ziqi replied directly.

They are already married, and even if they are in conflict, they are of course their wives.

Ye Wuge glanced at Xiao Moli sympathetically, after that, you were completely abandoned by your wife.

Xiao Moli silently raised the glass in front of him and drank it.

After a few turns, the mouth of the bottle met her again.

With the lessons just now, An Ziqi chose a big adventure this time.