Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 587: You are my woman

This game ended, Ye Wuge glanced at Xiao Moli with a smirk, and started playing other games with everyone.

The box was lively, and a group of people played and coaxed to sing in turn.

An Ziqi has been lacking in tone, so she consciously does not participate in this activity.

In the chaos, someone threw the microphone into Xiao Moli.

After seeing him clearly, he was taken aback and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pick it up again and remedy it.

Xiao Moli didn't refuse, and went directly to the karaoke machine to click on a song.

An Ziqi was sitting far away with her head down, but she couldn't help curiosity and pricked her ears to listen.

She and Xiao Moli have been together for so long and have never heard him sing.


I once held your hand and kissed your forehead before going to bed.

How can I hold you in my arms again.

Sorry, I love you, I want to give you all meaning.


There is a little drunken hoarseness in the cold voice, without the gorgeous singing skills of those singers.

Xiao Moli looked at the lyrics on the screen. He didn't sing much, just sing mechanically.

It was a sentence that poke into An Ziqi's heart, making her feel terribly uncomfortable.

The people in the box would naturally not think that Xiao Moli's song was specially sung for someone, so they clapped their hands and applauded.

After Xiao Moli sang, he put down the microphone in his hand, and sat there drinking glass after glass without looking at her.

An Ziqi bit her lip, this lunatic!

She felt uncomfortable in her heart, and after greeted Ye Wuge, she went straight away.

Ye Wuge raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Moli over there, only to tell her to be careful on the way.

With Xiao Moli here, he naturally didn't have to worry that An Ziqi would be unsafe to go back alone.

Here, An Ziqi had just left the bar, and a strong force came from behind, and she fell into a hot bosom full of alcohol.

"Xiao Moli, you let me go."

An Ziqi gritted her teeth and struggled hard, even if she didn't look back, she knew who was behind her.

"Don't let it go, I won't let it go."

Xiao Moli hugged her tightly behind him, never letting go.

"Xiao Moli, what do you want from me?"

An Ziqi couldn't break free, tears couldn't help falling.

She knew that what happened six years ago was the deal between her and Xiao Moli.

What she couldn't let go of was not the surrogacy and childbirth, but Xiao Moli's trampling on her dignity back then, and the deception and concealment so long before.

She is not that generous, and she really can't do it if she wants to be with Xiao Moli unscrupulously now.

Xiao Moli was in pain, so she was not in pain.

"I want you, An An, you are mine, you are my woman."

Xiao Moli thought of An Ziqi's denial before, and he wanted to go crazy.

The hot kiss landed on the back of her neck and the tip of her ears.

An Ziqi bit her lip, this bastard, every time.

He lifted his foot and stomped heavily on his foot.

The high-heeled shoes that she had worn, she was angry again, and used a lot of effort.

Xiao Moli couldn't help groaning, his hand loosened a little.

An Ziqi took the opportunity to push him away and walked straight forward.

As soon as he took a step, he heard a bang behind him, and when he looked back, he saw Xiao Moli staggeringly hit the car next to him, and he was walking towards her.

He gritted his teeth and turned his head and kicked Xiao Moli, "Asshole, Xiao Moli, you are a jerk."

Raising his hand to touch the tears on his face, he stepped forward to support him, and stopped a taxi on the side of the road.