Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 632: Give her all the love (3)

Xiao Moli nodded, "It should be."

He didn't know that Tang Shiyi did those things at the time, but just casually said that he wanted to distract Tang Shiyi's energy so that he could find an opportunity to save An Ziqi.

However, looking at Tang Shi's reaction at the time, she should indeed have done those things.

He previously suspected that Bai Xin'er was not dead, so Su Ran had been tracking Bai Xin'er's whereabouts.

It was unexpected that Tang Shih would collude with the Mexican gang.

Seeing An Ziqi who was almost one meter away from him, Xiao Moli couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and stretched out his hand to her, "Come here."

"No, you are injured, I will touch your wound." An Ziqi shook her head.

If it weren't for Xiao Moli's firm disagreement, she must have slept with Xiao Yining tonight.

Xiao Moli leaned inward and stretched out his hand to hug her.

An Ziqi hurriedly rolled over and rolled out, but with a thump, she fell directly under the bed.

Xiao Moli was taken aback, and hurriedly turned over to the other side of the bed.

I saw An Ziqi sitting on the ground, looking at him aggrievedly with a small mouth.

A pair of big watery eyes was covered with water vapor.

It looks very affectionate.

Xiao Moli was a little bit dumbfounded, and hurriedly reached out and pulled her up.

When she climbed onto the bed, she finally took the person into her arms again with satisfaction.

The next day, Xiao Moli went to Tang's house in person.

Tell Tang Qi everything that happened yesterday.

"Tang Shiyi's legs were blown off in the explosion, and his joints were completely shattered and could not be repaired. His eyes were hit by bomb fragments, and his eyesight would never be restored in his life. The face was hit by a rock and his cheekbones were broken. , The doctor diagnosed more than 90% of the disfigurement. People are in the hospital now. You decide how to deal with the Tang Sect.

Xiao Moli spoke lightly and explained all the final situation.

As for whether Tang Shi's body was injured by the explosion, Xiao Moli knew best in his heart.

Tang Qi pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time.

He never expected that Tang Shi could do such a thing under his nose.

Dare to collude with the Mexican gang to kidnap An Ziqi.

He knew exactly what kind of injury the bomb would cause. Xiao Moli did not kill her, but sent her to his hands like this, only to express his dissatisfaction with him.

Dissatisfied that he had let Tang Eleven off because of his love for Tang Eleven, which caused An Ziqi to be nearly injured now.

People are always easy to think about love when they are old, and it is true that Tang Shixi cannot bear to think about old love at the beginning. Xiao Moli wants to blame him, he has nothing to say.

What is more painful than death is that life is not as good as death, which is probably the case in Tang Shih now.

Losing everything, and suffering such an injury, with her proud and arrogant character, it must be more painful than death.

Thinking of the harm she caused to An Ziqi, Tang Qi no longer could bear anymore in her heart.

After all, An Ziqi is his biological daughter.

"I'm very fortunate that Qin Yu didn't take An Ziqi away, so I can have a happy and happy family. An Ziqi hasn't gotten from you for so many years, whether it's love or other, I will give her twice. "

Xiao Moli left after speaking.

Tang Qi looked at the back of him leaving, but sighed heavily.

With Xiao Moli by An Ziqi's side, he was naturally relieved.

However, as Xiao Moli said, what he owed her for so many years was ultimately owed to her.

With so many things happening, An Ziqi directly asked Lin Man to push the movie she had taken before, and she wanted to return to China.