Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 727: Let the whole world know that you are Mr

An Ziqi picked a magnified photo of two people standing in the castle staring affectionately, and wanted to hang it in the living room downstairs.

"No, you have to hang this."

Xiao Moli objected, An Ziqi turned her head and looked in the direction of his fingers. It was the photographer who refused to let him kiss. He had to kiss.

An Ziqi kicked him with her foot, "No way."

No one hangs this kind of photo on the wall in the living room. Someone visits the house and sees it. They still don't laugh at them.

The two are arguing and arguing here. They usually get along like this. They don't think there is anything, but the filming director behind them is dumbfounded.

Even if they have guessed the relationship between the two, this Miss Ann is really too sturdy.

Which woman is attracted by Li Shao and she has to desperately try all kinds of ways to please Li Shao?

This An Ziqi is good, not only didn't want to please Li Shao, she even dared to kick him with his feet.

The point is, Li Shao not only didn't feel annoyed, but also helped her rub her feet.

Is this because she is afraid of kicking pain?

Could it be said that Young Master Li likes this type of savage girlfriend? Or do ladies see too many, fresh for a while?

The two of them are still thinking about it, but An Ziqi and Xiao Moli have already started arguing over the next issue.

"This should be placed at the door of the living room."

"No, it's in the corridor upstairs at most."


After a fierce argument between the two for a long time, their opinions finally reached a consensus.

The final result was of course listening to An Ziqi, hung the one staring affectionately in the living room, and Xiao Moli picked the kissing one and hung it in the bedroom. The other one is placed in the corridor upstairs.

Xiao Moli took off his coat, An Ziqi stepped forward and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt casually, and said, "Be careful."

"En." Xiao Moli replied, went to the small warehouse and moved a small ladder out, and then he got busy with the hammer and nails.

An Ziqi stood behind leaning on the ladder to see Xiao Moli busy, her eyes full of happiness.

After hanging up the wedding photos, An Ziqi went to the kitchen to take a look at noon. The ingredients in the refrigerator were all ready, so she cooked the lunch herself and invited people from the show team.

Although Xiao Moli was unwilling to share the fruits of his wife's labor, in the end he didn't say anything.

After lunch, the two of them went for a walk on the beach in front. An Ziqi lazily leaned her head on Xiao Moli’s shoulder, squinted at the blue sea in the distance, Xiao Moli stretched out her arm around her waist and moved towards Go ahead.

The sea breeze was blowing on their faces, and there was the sound of rustling waves in my ears. The sea rushed up and kissed their toes, which was cool.

The filming director and the other staff followed them. Originally, they thought that Xiao Moli would be with An Ziqi like the other wealthy people playing with female stars. However, looking at the picture in front of them, they only thought that Xiao Moli would be with An Ziqi. It feels extraordinarily beautiful, as if they should have been.

An Ziqi was tired after walking for a while, and she didn't want to go back. She clung to Xiao Moli's arm like a child, hanging on him and refused to walk.

Xiao Moli smiled and squeezed her little nose, then carried her on her back and left a row of footprints on the beach. The waves washed away the footprints behind them, and then Xiao Moli turned back and left another row. Footprints, the two had a great time playing on the beach.

An Ziqi's laughter spread far in the sea breeze, and even the surrounding staff were infected by her, with a smile on her face unconsciously.