Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 829: You bullied me

Some people say that the person who sleeps and curls up into a ball is insecure. He wants to give her a safe haven, so that she will have no worries and fears from now on, but he can’t. The light in his eyes is dimmed. Go down.

The hand holding the door tightened, and then raised his eyes, with a gentle expression on his face.

Go forward and sit down by the bed, reaching out to pull the quilt on her head.

However, the quilt was not pulled apart as expected, but was pulled tightly by another opposing force.

Lu Chengfeng chuckled. Is this deliberately playing hide-and-seek with him?

He patted gently on the body wrapped in the quilt, "Fool, get up and eat soon."

Seeing that the person in the quilt was still quiet, he smiled, "Get up, there are surprises, I promise you will like it."

Lin Man hid in the quilt, listening to his gentle words, only felt the pain and bitterness in his heart more and more.

She really didn't know how to face him.

Lu Chengfeng waited for a while, smiled helplessly, and put a hand into the quilt to scratch the itchy flesh on her waist.

The other hand lifted the quilt on her body at the same time.

Unexpectedly, there was no resistance this time, and the quilt on her body was lifted up.

Lin Man's head was buried in the pillow, his hands tightly hugged his chest, his body curled up.

Lu Chengfeng helplessly stretched out his hand and picked him up from the bed.

After breaking her small face, she saw her eyes that were so red and swollen.

Lu Chengfeng asked nervously, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lin Man bit his lip and looked at him tightly.

"Did someone bully you?" Lu Chengfeng pursed his lips, his expression sinking.

Given the nature of Linman's work, it is easy to encounter some people at work who want to take advantage.

He had been paying attention to her when he was in Hollywood, and he had asked someone to solve her troubles several times.

"Who is it? You tell me."

Lin Man looked at him for a long while and muttered.

"It's you."

Lu Chengfeng was about to speak, but his eyes saw the medical record held by Linman in his hand.

A heart was picked up fiercely.

Reached out and pulled out a copy from her, with his name written on the cover.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time and remained silent for a long time.

Lu Chengfeng couldn't even tell what Lin Man was thinking at the moment.

I blamed him for not telling her earlier, and he still couldn't accept that he was dying, and he wanted to be with her to delay her.

Holding her arm slowly loosened, stood up and looked at her calmly and asked, "Do you know everything?"

"Yes." Lin Man looked at him, his voice soft and barely audible.

Maybe it was because I shed too many tears before, and I was clearly sad and distressed to death, but the tears couldn't flow out.

Lu Chengfeng stood on the spot, loosening his palm and holding it up again.

The two of them sat and stood, and the atmosphere in the room was solemn and depressing, making people breathless.

"I am sorry."

Lu Chengfeng finally opened his mouth to break the silence, and said with difficulty, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't delay you under this situation. I am too selfish. I hope you can find someone who loves you in the future. I wish you happiness. !"

After saying this, Lu Chengfeng almost ran away in embarrassment.

He didn't have the courage, and he didn't know how to face Linman in this situation.

Lin Man looked at the person who abandoned her again, and tears in his dry eyes finally fell again.

He got up and jumped out of the bed, and chased outside with his bare feet, but there was already no figure outside the door.