Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 923: Close to the End (1)

At this moment, all of Lu Chengfeng’s sanity and restraint under Lin Man’s provocation were all cremated to nil by a cremation in her hand. The body was driven by instinct, and he wanted to be closer to her. To possess her.

Raising his hand to pull at her clothes, a strange feeling suddenly rushed into her roar.

Lu Chengfeng violently pushed away Lin Man beside him, trying to get up, but he couldn't restrain his mouth and coughed violently.

Lin Man was suddenly pushed happily and couldn't help but feel wronged. He was about to speak, but suddenly heard his cough, got up in a hurry and pressed the switch on the bedside.

The light in the bedroom turned on, Lu Chengfeng coughed depressedly while covering his mouth, blood was constantly spilling out of his fingers, and the pillow was already mostly red in an instant.

"Lu Chengfeng, what's wrong with Lu Chengfeng, don't scare me." Lin Man's tears fell instantly, and he reached out and wiped the blood that was constantly overflowing from the corner of his lips.

However, the blood stains seemed to be wiped out no matter what. Seeing the blood stains on his hands, Lin Man cried silently.

I took the phone from the table in a panic. There were obviously only three digits of 120, but my fingers were shaking and I couldn't press it correctly. After dialing countless times, I finally dialed out, "Help, come and save people..."

Lin Man cried and reported the address.

"Ahem, don't..." Lu Chengfeng raised his hand hard to wipe the tears off her face, "Don't be afraid..."

Lin Man was crying harder.

"Manman." Lu Chengfeng looked at her, as if he wanted to force her into his heart. "I love you too."

The voice fell, and the hand stroking her face also fell.

Lin Man grabbed it in a panic and looked at his closed eyes.

"Chengfeng, Lu Chengfeng, Lu Chengfeng, you are not allowed to sleep, you open your eyes." Lin Man cried out crying while hugging him.

"No sleep, you promised that I will accompany me, no sleep..."

In the silent night, Linman's cry was heartbroken.

The ambulance rushed over quickly.

The medical staff carried Lu Chengfeng out, and Lin Man followed in a panic on the ambulance.

"What is the patient's condition? Is there a history of drug allergy before?" the doctor beside him asked while doing first aid.

"I don't know." Lin Man fixedly looked at Lu Chengfeng, who was motionless and could only be manipulated by others.

"Aren't you his lover? How can you know nothing?" The doctor complained casually.

Tears rained down Lin Man's face, and Lu Chengfeng was afraid that she was worried. He never talked to her about being sick, and never asked her to ask.

She has been believing what they said for three months, day by day, and her heart is getting more and more frightened.

She thought that at least they could stay together for three months. She didn't expect the illness to happen so unexpectedly, but it was only half a month.

The ambulance rushed all the way to the hospital, Lin Man tightly held Lu Chengfeng's cold hand, trying to warm him with his own temperature.

"Miss, you can't enter, please wait outside the emergency room."

The doctor forcibly separated their hands, and Lin Man saw Lu Chengfeng's slowly falling hands, only to feel like a knife.

The doctor trot into the emergency room and pushed the landing.

Lin Man stood in the operating room blankly, watching the blood stains on his hands, tears streaming silently.

The light above the emergency room was on all the time, and the sky outside gradually lit up.

I don't know how long it took, the lights finally dimmed, the door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor pushed Lu Chengfeng out of it.

Lin Man hurriedly stepped forward on his stiff legs, "Doctor, how is he doctor?"