Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 930: She doesn't want him anymore (1)

Put things in front of them, "Uncle and Auntie, you have been guarding for a day. Let's eat something first."

Mother Lu shook her head. Her son is still alive and dead, how she will eat.

"If you are hungry, you will feel sad if Chengfeng finds it out." Chi Xiaowan comforted her wisely and sensibly.

Seeing Lu's mother's sadness, Lin Man felt even more sad, but she couldn't do anything at the moment. She could only watch her sad and painful, and couldn't even say a word of comfort to her.

A little nurse passed by the corner of the corridor and saw her squatting there with tears on her face. She asked with concern, "This lady, what's wrong with you? Can I help you?"

The voice of the little nurse caught Chi Xiaowan’s gaze not far away. Lin Man hurriedly got up and shrank to the other side of the corner, stretched out her hand to touch the tears on her face, shook her head at the little nurse, put on his glasses again, and turned around. floor.

She couldn't be discovered by Chi Xiaowan. If she saw that she hadn't left and stopped paying attention to Lu Chengfeng, then Lu Chengfeng would be really hopeless.

After wandering outside the hospital for a long time, he returned to the corner and stood far away looking at the direction of the isolation room.

Chengfeng, don't be afraid, I have always been there, and I will always be with you.

Lin Man just hid in the corner and guarded for two days. Lu Chengfeng finally woke up and pushed out of the isolation room.

Mother Lu immediately came forward with tears in her eyes.

Lu Chengfeng glanced at his parents and Chi Xiaowan next to him, then looked around, and said with difficulty, "Mom, where is Linman?"

Mother Lu shook his hand, "Xiaoman...she..."

Before Chi Xiao night, "Chengfeng, it's okay, don't be sad, Lin Man doesn't want you, I will always be with you."

Does she want him?

Lu Chengfeng felt heartache unbearable for a while, and couldn't help coughing again.

"Chengfeng, Chengfeng, don't worry, Xiaoman must have left for a lasting reason. She will definitely be back in a few days."

Mother Lu was busy explaining and comforting her anxiously.

Lin Man is a good boy, and she knows her feelings for Lu Chengfeng for so many years. Otherwise, on Lin Man's terms, it would be impossible to have not married at this age.

She didn't believe that Lu Chengfeng was in this situation. Lin Man would ignore him because of his illness and choose to leave.

She must be more heartbroken than anyone else.

Lin Man looked at him from a distance, watched him cough, and thought of the way he coughed and vomited blood that night, his heart was violently pulled up, wishing to rush forward immediately.

How could she not want him?

"Okay, the patient has just woke up from danger, family members should not say this to the patient, so as not to cause him to fluctuate too much."

The doctor told them to move away first and pushed Lu Chengfeng into the general ward.

Lin Man followed, and after the doctor settled Lu Chengfeng away and everyone had entered the ward, he quietly walked to the door of the ward.

Through the small glass on the door, he greedily looked at Lu Chengfeng on the hospital bed.

His face was as pale as paper, and even his thin lips had lost their original color.

Lin Man raised his hand to touch him, but it was separated by a door.

Lu Chengfeng in the hospital bed seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked up towards the door of the room.

Lin Man hurriedly avoided, and hurriedly walked downstairs.

Lu Chengfeng was already awake. In the next few days, Lin Man could not restrain himself from going to see him.